Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋 is a search engine that helps you find the most relevant information across the web.

  2. 翻譯. zhuyin [ㄈㄢㄧˋ] pinyin [fanyi] to translate (orally or in writing); to render;an interpretation; a rendering. 釋義. 相關詞. 1. to translate (orally or in writing); to render. 2. an interpretation; a rendering. 3. an interpreter.

  3. Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋提供中文和英文詞彙的查詢服務。

  4. 字典. zhuyin [ㄗˋㄉㄧㄢˇ] pinyin [zidian] a dictionary; a lexicon. 相關詞. 字典 攻擊. dictionary attack (a method of hacking into a password-protected computer or server by ... Dr.eye 譯典通. 康熙 字典.

  5. 1. 翻譯,轉譯 [(+from/into)] The novel has been translated into many languages. 這部小說已譯成多種語言。. 2. (用另外的詞語)解釋,說明,表達 [(+into)] I translate his silence as a refusal. 我把他的沉默解釋為拒絕。. 3. 使轉化,使轉變 [(+into)] They started to translate into action ...

  6. yahoo. KK [ˋjɑhu] DJ [jəˋhu:] 美式. n. (英國作家Swift小說中的)人面獸;粗鄙之人;鄉下人;野蠻人. 名詞複數:yahoos.

  7. 1. 流動性;移動性;【社】流動 upward social mobility 社會地位的上向流動. 2. 機動性 Mobility is very important in guerrilla warfare. 機動性在游擊戰中至關重要。. 3. 【物】遷移率. mobility allowance. ph.

  8. 形容詞. 1. 表面的,外觀的 It was a surface wound and soon healed. 那是一個表面傷,不久便長好了。. 2. 地面上的,水面上的 The Americans are strengthening their surface fleet. 美國人正在加強他們的水上艦隊。. 3. 表面上的,外表上的 There have been improvements in surface conditions but not in ...

  9. IPA [striːm] 美式. 英式. n. 溪流 a mountain/an underground stream 山澗/地下溪流 a trout stream 有鱒魚的小河. vi. 流動 tears stream ed down her cheeks 淚水順著她的面頰流下 black smoke stream ed from the exhaust 排氣管裡冒出黑煙. vt. 流出 the wound was stream ing blood 傷口在流血 the exhaust stream ...

  10. inundation. KK [͵ɪnʌnˋdeʃən] DJ [͵inʌnˋdeiʃən] 美式. n. 淹沒,泛濫;洪水. 釋義. n. 名詞.

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