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  1. Guanghua Market opened in 1973 under Guanghua Bridge between Bade Road and Civic Boulevard in Taipei. It was originally occupied by used book shops relocated fr Transportation: Nat’l Hwy 1→ Exit at the Yuanshan Interchange →→ Jianguo Expressway → ...

  2. Taiwan's beauty, culture, attractive lifestyle, hi-tech success, traditional celebrations and religious diversity blend together to make it a beautiful and fascinating place to visit. Welcome to visit Taiwan and find an itinerary that suits you. Taiwan’s four seasons offer unique experiences, and you can be assured of a memorable journey as you explore Taiwan!

  3. Address:. Guanghua 2nd Rd. & Sanduo 2nd Rd. intersection, Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City. Longitude/Latitude:. 120.31781/22.618225. Web:. Guanghua Tourist Night Market_Links. Tag. #Night Markets #Must Eats. Guanghua Tourist Night Market is the gourmet paradise for local customers.

  4. 南投縣南投市自強路3號 049-2261123 平日09:00-17:00 假日09:00-18:00 Taiwan Mochi Museum No. 3, Ziqiang 3rd Rd., Nantou City, Nantou County 049-2261123 09:00-17:00 on weekdays, 09:00-18:00 on weekends and holidays 8 南投蔥油餅 南投縣南投市民

  5. 人生地不熟‧一問解千愁. 借問站 友善服務真正讚 「借問一下,哪裡有好吃的?. 」、「借問一下,這裡的特產是什 麼?. 在旅行臺灣的旅途中有任何問題,來到借 問站輕鬆的 「借問一下⋯⋯」,就會有讓人讚不絕口的驚喜!. 為了以「歡喜相借問」的臺式熱情 ...

  6. 24小時免付費旅遊諮詢服務熱線. 0800-011765. 借問站資訊. 龜山朝日餐廳園區擁有3000坪的廣闊場地,園區內設有海水戲水池,烤肉區,咖啡廳,可愛動物園區,餐廳區有提供美味多樣的中式合菜,精選新鮮現撈食材,帶給民眾尚青的味覺饗宴。 品嘗完美食後,還能體驗咖啡DIY和宜蘭餅DIY,或坐著趣味的濱海拉拉車,親近碧藍的太平洋,並遠眺美麗的龜山島,感受不一樣的海洋風情。 Guishan Zhaori Restaurant. Covering about 108,000 square feet, Guishan Zhaori Restaurant is equipped with a pool, a barbeque area, a café, and an animal park.

  7. 觀音山遊客中心 新北市五股區凌雲路段130號 02-22928888 芝遊客中心 新北市芝區埔坪里埔頭坑 164-2號 02-86355143 白沙灣遊客中心 新北市石門區德茂里下員坑 33-6號 02-86355100 金山遊客中心 新北市金山區磺港路171-2號 02-24988980 ...

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