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  1. Total7. Detailed information Pottery figure of ladies playing polo game in sancai tri-color glaze, Tang dynasty. Detailed information Celadon water container, Yue ware, Five Dynasties Period. Detailed information White porcelain vase with loops, Xing ware, Tang dynasty. Detailed information Pottery figure of a standing lady with painted colors ...

  2. Pottery figure of ladies playing polo game in sancai tri-color glaze Height: 35.5 cm, Length: 33.2 cm, Width: 12 cm Lavish funerals became popular in the Tang dynasty, with grave goods being exceptionally resplendent.

  3. Ceramics. Bronze. Jades. Curio. Total34. Detailed information White pottery guei-pitcher, Dawenkou Culture, Neolithic period. Detailed information Black pottery stemcup, Longshan Culture, Neolithic period. Detailed information Cocoon-shaped Hu, Western Han period.

  4. 尺寸:107.3x45.1公分. 董其昌(1555-1636),字玄宰,號思白,松江人,繪畫史中顛覆傳統的天才畫家。. 天啟二年(1622),董其昌看了北宋燕文貴(967-1044)畫卷而倣作此圖,但改採立軸表現。. 畫中幾株秀樹聚於帶有傾側之勢的山石上;中景處大膽移置一段遠山 ...

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  5. 大汗的世紀Age of the Great Khan: Painting and Calligraphy in the Mongol Yüan Yuan Dynasty. 0%.

  6. 國立故宮博物院為提升政府資料開放品質、促進故宮資料在教學及個人賞析上之傳播,特別自104年起更新「故宮Open Data專區」,提供文物圖像及文物基本資料在教學用途範圍內免費下載。同時,也整合了原有文字性和數據性資料的資料集,也歡迎各界多加利用。

  7. 大汗的世紀Age of the Great Khan: Painting and Calligraphy in the Mongol Yüan Yuan Dynasty. 0%. 馬可波羅. Marco Polo. 皇室貴族.

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