Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. How tedious and tasteless the hours. When Jesus no longer I see! Sweet prospects, sweet birds and sweet flow’rs, Have all lost their sweetness to me. The midsummer sun shines but dim, The fields strive in vain to look gay; But when I am happy in Him. December’s as pleasant as May.

  2. 讚美!讚美!讚美耶穌,我救贖主!祂為我罪受苦、流血、受刑;稱頌!稱頌!稱頌祂是磐石穩固,為成永遠救恩,十架被釘!高聲讚祂!主擔當我的痛苦!此愛奇妙,貞堅、絕頂、豐富。 讚美!讚美!讚美祂的奇妙愛情!稱頌!稱頌!

  3. 認識復活. 運行不息時加增。. 使我活在屬天層。. 復活大能仍運施。. 聯於復活主自己。. 苟延舊造並重活。. 乃讓復活將我摸。. 肉體治死靈奮起。. 從未恐慌或逃離。.

  4. 興起!角聲發出,喜信傳佈;宣揚萬主之主 救主耶穌;述說祂名寶貴,高舉祂的尊位,好使萬眾來歸 耶穌是主! 誰願為祂前去?誰願興起?地愛迷人難拒,為祂全棄: 鄙視屬地榮華,萬事看為卑下,惟誇救主十架;誰願興起?

  5. 主耶穌阿,我願你來. 我們就彀資格為著祂的身體與祂同工。. 我們的禱告乃是:“主耶穌阿,我願你來!. 我願你來!. 主耶穌來!. Lord, let me also hear Your voice! My only pray is , ” Mature in me Lord and come quickly! Our prayer is come Lord Jesus! Lord Jesus come!

  6. 帶領我們出羊圈。. 肥沃草地,廣闊無邊,. 我們處身在其間!. 哦,召會生活,. 無比榮耀又豐富!. 在此我們合一相處,. 享受生命的祝福。. 2. 身處異地,飢寒交迫,.

  7. Christian hymns and spiritual songs with wonderful truths and music.} 全部的聖經 都是神呼出,由神的聖靈 用字來撰述;再藉眾神人 將撰述記錄,帶著神豐富,給人來吸入。

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