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  1. Our aim is to provide a concrete technical solution for a future society based on communizing and commons-based resource allocation as an attempt to move in-against-and-beyond the value-form, which is the social “force-field” that characterizes the capitalist mode of production. This contribution is divided into three articulated parts:

  2. On the one hand, markets can be “embedded,” enmeshed in non-economic institutions and subject to non-economic norms, such as “the just price” and “the fair wage.”. On the other hand, markets can be “disembedded,” freed from extra-economic controls and governed immanently, by supply and demand.

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    Michel Bauwens: "Copyfairis a principle which aims to re-introduce reciprocity requirements in market activities 1. it aims to preserve the right of sharing knowledge without conditions 1. but aims to subject commercialization of any such knowledge commons to some form of contribution to that commons. So the aim is to create 'ethical' entrepreneuri...

    the license as proposed above may not exist yet, but the closest implementation is the modality used by the FairSharesAssociation, see below

    The difficulties in implementing Copyfair principles in industrial design

    "Copyfair is based on copyright, a natural right which does behave (mostly) the same around the world in most territories. Copyright will cover a specific embodiment eg, a drawing or a text (which then extends to code as text). Patents however are very different animals being state gifted monopolies that recognise a principal of operation. These two important aspects of patents; the territory based awarding by a state or supra-state body; and the claims of inventive steps or principals means...

    Applying Copyfair principles to software

    1. Lionel Maurel: "It is not recommended to use a Creative Commons Licence for software. Some important elements are lacking in the CC. For example, there is nothing about the distribution of the source code, a crucial element for software. It is not impossible to use the Peer Production Licence for a software, because software is grounded on copyright, but it can be source of difficulties in the application. PPL can't also work for Hardware and the problem is worst than with software, becaus...

    The debate over Bauwens' and Kostakis' article

    In 2014, Bauwens and Kostakis published an essay discussing Copyfair licensing. A few scholars, such as Rigi and Meretz, critiqued the idea. Read some of the essays here.

    les points à élucider dans une license

    In French, by Antoine C. "les points à élucider pourraient-être ceux-ci : 1. contribué au bien commun: si je participe juste en mettant une virgule, alors je ne paie rien? Il doit y avoir moyen de définir le minimum de contribution suffisant et à l'évidence ... 2. entité marchande éthique: pas facile à déterminer, c'est toujours un vaste débat, et le seul estampillage coopérative, ESS, etc ... ne suffit pas à qualifier la dimension éthique. Certaines sociétés capitalistes sans exigence de ROI...

    Pas si simple

    By Maïa Dereva, en retravaillant sur les visuels, je me rends compte que les choses ne sont pas aussi simples qu'elles en avaient l'air pour moi quand j'ai innocemment créé ma "licence maison" pour en août 2015. Autant il est probablement aisé au niveau juridique international de mettre en place une redevance contributive (les deux parties se mettent en contact d'une manière ou d'une autre, et se mettent d'accord sur le montant de cette redevance), autant il l'est beau...

  3. In their effort to create a proper ownership form for rural enterprises, the Chinese “peasant-workers” and their community governments have designed an ingenious one: a “shareholding–cooperative system (SCS).”11 It is similar to James Meade’s “labor–capital partnership” in that both systems have a labor share and a capital share;12 however, the ...

  4. Efforts by communist states to develop more egalitarian structures inevitably yielded to these fundamental forces, reasserting new types of hierarchies and inequalities to manage the delay between labour and yield. ‘Immediate-return’ hunter-gatherers such as the Yaka are strongly orientated to the present.

  5. Jess Scully: "Taiwan’s civic hackers were organized around a leaderless collective called g0v (pronounced “gov zero.”) Many believed in radical transparency, in throwing opaque processes open to the light, and in the idea that everyone who is affected by a decision should have a say in it. They preferred establishing consensus to running ...

  6. Edward Hall: "Monochronic time (M-time) and polychronic time (P-time) represent two variant solutions to the use of both time and space as organizing frames for activities. Space is included because the two systems (time and space) are funtionally interrelated. M-time emphasises schedules, segmentation and promptness.

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