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  1. 2011年6月25日 · One of the significant research projects funded by the National Science Foundation’s Future Internet Architectures program, the Named Data Networking (NDN) initiative (2010) involves PARC and 9 research institutes. Additionally, a number of global OEMs are actively exploring and developing the ideas behind CCN.

  2. In the early days of the Renaissance, European artist used Euclidean geometry to develop linear or “scientific” perspective, a graphical tool to organize optically perceived space on the two dimensional picture plane. Lines perpendicular to the picture plane recede to and converge at the so-called vanishing point at the horizon.

  3. Inspired by the work of John David Ebert, this new section (August 2021) will be dedicated to large scale and integrative human history, including the history of civilization (s). For companion sections also our collections on P2P Cycles and on P2P Patterns.

    • Contents
    • Summary
    • Typology
    • Discussion
    • More Information
    v. 1. Fluctuation of forms of art.--
    v. 2. Fluctuation of systems of truth, ethics, and law.--
    v. 3. FLuctuation of social relationships, war, and revolution.--
    v. 4. Basic problems, principles, and methods

    1. Richard Simpson: "At Harvard he set to work on a monumental inquiry into thehistory and nature of world civilization up tothe present. He spent several years on this enterprise, and in 1937 he published the first threevolumes of Social and Cultural Dynamics. Afourth volume appeared in 1941. The Dynamics isthe most ambitious sociological attempt ...

    Richard Simpson: "Sorokin's principal tool in analyzing culturesand explaining their changes is his classificationof cultures and all their manifestations into threemain types: Sensate, Idealistic, and Ideational coupled with his concept of "logico-meaningful"integration of cultural elements. Events, relationships, and objects which arelogico-meaningfully integrated are those whichstem from the same value premises or criteria oftruth, which seem somehow to fit together into acommon Weltanscha...

    Richard Simpson: "Sorokin feels that it is necessary toget at the root of things, to attack the "basicpremise" of modern culture, not merely its products.The basic premise is the Sensate scheme of values,which must give way to an Idealistic or Ideationalworld-view if we are to avert catastrophe.Since the superstructure of such a socioculturalsystem is built upon its major premise, a rationalchange of the entire system in a desirable directionmust concentrate first Upon this major premise. We...

    Other Books by P. Sorokin

    * Book: The Sociology of Revolution. Pitirim Sorokin. URL = Summary: "The Sociology of Revolution (1925) is stronglycolored by Sorokin's revolutionary experiences. He explains revolution, not in terms of historical orsocio-economic movements as commonly conceivedby writers on revolution, but as a destruction of theprecarious balance between reason and disorganized antisocial instincts, with uncontrolled impulsescoming to the fore. Since revolution results fromthe victory of man's upset biolog...

  4. A first draft of the essay already existed, however, co-authored with Lee Hoinacki in the summer of 1981, as the author tells us in the foreword to the first edition. It was documented “in real time” by Valentina Borremans in her “Tecno-Politica” series with the title, Vernacular Gender (“as of July 1981”). It was just the start of ...

  5. Description. From Wikipedia: "Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations is a book by Clay Shirky published by Penguin Press in 2008, which evaluates the effect of the Internet on modern group dynamics. The author considers examples such as Wikipedia and MySpace in his analysis. This is the author's sixth book.

  6. 1 Definition. 1.1 Description. 1.2 Discussion. 1.3 Innovative P2P Aspects of Freenet. 1.4 More Information. 1.5 See Also. Definition. From the Wikipedia: "Freenet is a peer-to-peer platform for censorship-resistant ommunication. It uses a decentralized distributed data store and a suite of free software." ( )

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