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  1. 2011年3月17日 · English, USA. Mar 16, 2011. #6. entangledbank said: 'Rains' refers to a season or period in which rain is usual: The harvest failed because the rains arrived late. I agree. It can also refer to a series of bouts of rain. "The rains over the last three weeks have saturated the soil and local officials are worried about mudslides." This implies ...

  2. 开场的两句话“其实不论是谁,都在等待这心头一热的瞬间”为这个MV定下了一个主基调-等爱少女哟喂~. 作为改编自漫画家 眉月纯 人气恋爱作品的《恋如雨止》Aimer演唱的Ref:rain,主要说了一种普世的少女情怀-在期待的同时踌躇,压抑心中的感受(怕被觉得不 ...

  3. 知乎,让每一次点击都充满意义 —— 欢迎来到知乎,发现问题背后的世界。

  4. 2007年10月4日 · British English (Sussex) Nov 14, 2015. #11. I had to shelter from the rain./I had to take shelter. They are perfectly correct. The second sounds just a little old-fashioned to me, so I probably wouldn't use it in speech. I would talk about "taking cover" if I was under attack.

  5. 2013年6月11日 · Onondaga, Ontario. Canadian English. Jun 11, 2013. #3. Taking a bath involves getting into a bathtub, which you would not do if you go out in the rain. I think "I decided to wash myself in the rain." could be used. However, if you had a bathtub outside and it was still raining, then you could take a bath in the rain.

  6. 2018年3月16日 · Hi,there. I came across this sentence in somewhere untrustworthy: It's pouring down raining? As far as I know, It's natural to say "It's pouring rain" in American English and "It's pouring with rain" in British English. Is it possible to say "It's pouring down raining"? I think it's wrong...

  7. 如何评价Lauv的歌曲《Paris in the Rain》?. 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。. 知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品 ...

  8. Rain On Me. 《Rain On Me》是美国女歌手 Lady Gaga 与爱莉安娜·格兰德合作录唱的一首歌曲,被收录在 Lady Gaga 的第六张录音室专辑《Ch…. 单曲循环根本停不下来。. 虽然依旧是舞曲,但是这首更抒情、更私人化、更“走心” 歌曲内容讲的不是两个神婆突发奇想要去 ...

  9. RAID 5不对数据进行备份,而是把数据和与其相对应的奇偶校验信息存储到组成RAID5的各个磁盘上,并且奇偶校验信息和相对应的数据分别存储于不同的磁盘上。. 当RAID5的一个磁盘数据损坏后,利用剩下的数据和相应的奇偶校验信息去恢复被损坏的数据。. 这样子 ...

  10. tabular默认让单元格里的内容靠上,快顶线了很不美观 试了一下,LaTeX表格中的单元格在单行的情况下在竖直方向上应该是垂直居中的,所以我猜测您的问题应该是在限定了列宽之后由于自动换行导致的其他列无法做到在竖直上居中,解决方法是使用multicolumn命令,以下为简单说明:(Example chosen from ...

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