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  1. A virtual reality headset (or VR headset) is a head-mounted device that uses 3D near-eye displays and positional tracking to provide a virtual reality environment for the user. VR headsets are widely used with VR video games, but they are also used in other applications, including simulators and trainers.

  2. 虛擬實境眼鏡 (英語: virtual reality headset),也稱為 VR眼鏡,是提供虛擬實境的 頭戴顯示裝置。 虛擬實境 眼鏡被廣泛用於電子遊戲,但它們也被用於其他領域,包括 仿真器 和訓練器裏。 VR眼鏡由3D眼鏡(為雙眼提供單獨的圖像)、 立體聲 和頭部追蹤器組成, [1] 其中可能包括 陀螺儀 、 加速規 、 磁強計 或 結構光 系統。 [2] 有些VR眼鏡還具有 眼動追蹤器 [3] 和 游戲控制器。 VR眼鏡使用一種叫做頭部追蹤的技術,其可以隨著人轉頭而改變視野。 這項技術可能不完美,因為如果頭部移動過快,就會有延遲。 但是它任然提供身臨其境的體驗。 參考文獻. [編輯] ^ Ben Kuchera.

  3. Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that employs 3D near-eye displays and pose tracking to give the user an immersive feel of a virtual world. Applications of virtual reality include entertainment (particularly video games), education (such as medical, safety or military training) and business (such as virtual meetings).

  4. Standalone – devices that have all necessary components to provide virtual reality experiences integrated into the headset. Mainstream standalone VR platforms include: Oculus Mobile SDK, developed by Oculus VR for its own standalone headsets and the Samsung Gear VR. (The SDK has been deprecated in favor of OpenXR, released in July 2021.)

  5. 2024年6月12日 · 虛擬實境英語: Virtual reality,縮寫VR),簡稱虛擬環境,是利用電腦類比產生一個三維空間的虛擬世界,提供使用者關於視覺等感官的類比體驗,通過 姿勢追蹤 ( 英語 : Pose_tracking ) 和 3D顯示 ( 英語 : 3D_display ) 器,使使用者能夠感受沉浸式

  6. 2023年3月22日 · VR, or Virtual Reality, is a technology designed to make you feel immersed in a virtual world. It’s a distinctly different feeling than playing a game or navigating a 3D environment on a...

  7. 2020年3月8日 · Mar 8, 2020 7:00 AM. The WIRED Guide to Virtual Reality. Everything you ever wanted to know about VR headsets, Oculus, Vive, and simulator sickness. Illustrations by Radio. All hail the...