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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. a power failure; an electric power cut; service interruption; a black-out

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  2. blackout 的中文翻譯為停電「斷電時期」,可以用來表示因為供電不足、天災等 各種原因導致的停電狀況,另外還可以特別用來指 戰爭時期的電力管制所造成的停電。. 最後要留意一下 blackout 是可數名詞,複數型是 blackouts 唷!. The typhoon caused blackouts in many ...

  3. 2021年5月18日 · 停電跟停水一樣很不方便,先認識常常寫在緊急通知單上的「停電」會怎麼呈現:. power outage / cut / failure. blackout. 那假如今天是通知家人家裡停電了,可以換個說法:. 廣告. The power went out.(停電了。. The power is off.(電沒了。. 停了一陣子電,突然發現又有電 ...

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  5. an interruption in the supply of electricity: Storms caused power outages in hundreds of homes last night. 暴風雨導致昨夜幾百戶家庭斷電。 blackout uk / ˈblæk.aʊt/ us / ˈblæk.aʊt/ noun. a time when all lights must be hidden by law, or when there is no light or power because of an electricity failure: wartime blackouts 戰時燈火管制. 停電期間.

  6. noun [ C ] US uk / ˈaʊ.tɪdʒ / us / ˈaʊ.t̬ɪdʒ / Add to word list. a period when a service, such as electricity, is not available. 停電(等)期間. The radio news reported power outages affecting 50 homes. 廣播新聞報道說停電影響到50戶家庭。 (outage在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) outage的 例句.

  7. *blackout 是指人為操作的停電」,因用電量過大或電力公司需進行工程維修,而造成的「停電、斷電」。 遇到停電時比較口語化的說法 1.

  8. 停電、斷電難免會發生,但英文你會說嗎 以下小編整理了不只一種的「停電英文說法」,趕緊學起來說說看吧~ 表達停電的用字. blackout (n.) 停電;斷電. = power outage. = power failure. = power cut. * power在這指的是「電力」 用於對話時的口語說法. 停電了! It's a blackout! = The power is out. = The power is off. = The power is gone. = The power went out. 電回來了。 The power is back. = The power is back on. = The power is on again.

  9. 從缺電危機中線上學「停電英文怎麼說? 停電頻傳台灣各地區無預警輪流大停電,讓許多民眾感到很困擾,並且擔心隨著夏天的到來,停電的情況會不會再度發生。 那「停電」的英文該怎麼說? 火力發電、核能發電、再生能源等發電方式的英文又該怎麼說? 趕快跟著我們一起學起來! 觀看次數: 2,022. 00:00. Lucy: Many power outages have occurred in Taoyuan recently, which has been very troubling for my friends living there. 露西:最近桃園發生了好多次停電,令我住在桃園的朋友很困擾。

  10. 停电. power cut uk / ˈpaʊə ˌkʌt/ us / ˈpaʊ.ɚ ˌkʌt/ B2 noun UK. an interruption in the supply of electricity: Storms caused power cuts in hundreds of homes last night. 风暴导致昨夜几百户家庭断电。. power outage uk / ˈpaʊər ˌaʊ.tɪdʒ/ us / ˈpaʊ.ɚ ˌaʊ.t̬ɪdʒ/ B2 noun US. an interruption in the supply of ...

  11. 2021年6月28日 · a power outage 停電. a coal-fired power plant 燃煤發電廠. resume normal (power) supply 恢復正常的(電力)供應. 週四,在一間火力發電廠的停電影響了600萬戶家庭後,台灣電力公司開始在島內分階段停電,而政府將努力於傍晚時分恢復正常供電。 ★★★★★★★★★★★★. The world’s biggest contract chipmaker, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd, said some of its facilities suffered a “brief power dip”, but power had been restored.

  12. 例句與用法. The violent storms caused several power cuts. 狂風暴雨造成了幾處 停電。 Will there be another blackout tomorrow ? 明天會再來一次 停電 嗎? In your area, power will go off at 3 p.m . 在你那個地區,星期三下午三點 停電。 At least we can fall back on candles if the electricity fails . 停電 時我們至少可以使用蠟燭。

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