Is there a free plan for Mega?
Is Mega a secure cloud service?
What payment methods does Mega accept?
Does mega offer free cloud storage?
How does Mega protect my data?
How much does Mega storage cost?
如何將我的帳戶升級為Pro帳戶?. 更新於11 六月 2024. 您可以使用我們應用程式和網站上的 升級 按鈕升級您的帳戶。. 或者,您可以在電腦或行動裝置上造訪連結 https://mega.nz/pro。.
Compare Plans and Pricing - MEGA. Creatives, contractors, consultants and side hustlers. Startups, sole traders, family businesses and online retailers. Learn how we keep your data accessible anytime, anywhere.
如何将我的帐户升级为Pro帐户?. 更新于11 六月 2024. 您可以使用我们的应用程序和网站的 升级 按钮升级您的帐户。. 或者,您可以在计算机或移动设备上访问链接 https://mega.nz/pro。.
Compare MEGAs pricing plans. Get 16 off if you purchase an annual plan. Start using MEGAs secure cloud storage and fast transfer today.
A PRO account gives you an additional storage space and extra transferquota that we automatically draw...
2024年7月26日 · MEGA offers several plans with fixed storage and transfer quotas. If you need a different allocation than what the standard Pro plan packages offer, you can have custom storage and transfer for your account, and pay as you go, with our Pro Flexi plan.
2024年7月3日 · There are three personal plans: Pro I, Pro II, and Pro III. The first plan offers 2TB of storage for $10.75 a month. The second plan provides 8TB for $22; the third comes with 16TB for $32.