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  1. She attended St. Andrew's College, Dublin (a senior school), going on to graduate from the University of Oxford in 2001 with a BA in human sciences, and has lived in Dublin, Ireland since October 1995, where she studied at Trinity College Dublin.

  2. Born in Sarajevo, Bosnia, around 1981; only daughter of Malik (a lawyer) and Alica Filipović (a biochemist). Dubbed the Anne Frank of the Bosnian War, Sarajevo schoolgirl Zlata Filipović was ten years old and looking forward to a new school year when she began a diary.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 2024年4月5日 · Zlata Filipović was just a young girl when the Bosnian War broke out in the early 1990s. Despite the chaos and violence surrounding her, she found solace in writing her diary, which would ...

  5. 2007年1月18日 · At one point I was going to school and loving Madonna and then in a second, walking around in scraps of clothes looking for water.

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    The war finally halted in 1995 after deployment of United Nations (UN; an international organization founded in 1945 composed of most of the countries in the world) peacekeeping forces and the bombing of Serbian strongholds by North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces including air attacks by the U.S. military. NATO is an international milit...

    Zlata's diary is often compared to the diary of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl living in Germany who died in the Holocaust (mass killing of European Jews and others by the Nazis) during World War II. At...
    Before it was almost destroyed by the war, Sarajevo was a beautiful city. It was the site of the 1984 Winter Olympic Games. Television coverage of the games frequently took audiences to Sarajevo's...
    Research in depth Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the former Yugoslavia to more fully understand the history and ethnicities of their peoples.
    Compare a thirteen-year-old's day in the United Stateswith a day in the life of Zlata in the early 1990s.
    Explore what psychiatrists see as effects of war on children. Research post-traumatic stress syndrome. List reasons why Zlata was able to come through the experience psychologically whole.


    Cigar, Norman. Genocide in Bosnia: The Policy of "Ethnic Cleansing."College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 1995. Filipovic, Zlata. Zlata's Diary: A Child's Life in Sarajevo. New York: Viking, 1994. Judah, Timothy. Serbs: History, Myth and the Destruction of Yugoslavia. New Haven, CT: Yale UniversityPress, 2000. Neuffer, Elizabeth. The Key to My Neighbor's House: Seeking Justice in Bosnia and Rwanda. New York: Picador, 2001. Tanner, Marcus. Croatia: A Nation Forged in War. 2nd ed. Ne...

  6. 1994年2月27日 · In September, 1991, Zlata Filipovic, a fifth-grade girl living in Sarajevo, Bosnia, began a journal, a bouncy record of the daily doings of her bright, energetic, wholly extroverted self.

  7. 1994年3月9日 · Zlata Filipovic is a thirteen year-old Sarajevan, whose diaries of the war in Bosnia have been published this month as "Zlata's Diary" (Viking). The book begins in August of 1991, with a new school year --fifth grade-- and the trappings of girlhood: piano lessons and