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  1. Calamari \Cal"a*mar`i\ (k[a^]l`[.a]*m[aum]r"[-e]), n. [It. calamari, fr. LL. calamarium inkstand, fr. L. calamus a reed pen: cf. F. calmar, calemar, pen case, calamar ...

  2. lantern with a carousel of paper horses rotating under convection, used at Lantern Festival 元宵節|元宵节[Yuan2 xiao1 jie2] , chaser lights , self-scrolling horizontal text display, such as a news ticker ,

  3. *['krimzәn] n. 深紅色 a. 深紅色的 vt. (使)變為深紅色, 臉紅 vi. (使)變為深紅色, 臉紅 【建】 緋紅

  4. *['kɒmplimәnt] n. 稱贊, 恭維, 敬意 vt. 稱贊, 褒揚, 恭維 相關詞組: compliment sb into compliment sb out of sth give a compliment to sb compliment away

  5. 他不在乎名聲 [金錢,名利] ⑵ <事物>[某人]不重要的,無關緊要的,無所謂的[to] It was utterly indifferent to her who he was. 她來說,他是誰,根本是無關緊要的事 ⑶ 不好不壞的,平凡的,差的 a very indifferent player 平庸的競賽[演奏]者 There are exhibited all kinds of paintings good , bad , and indifferent .

  6. Kama (5kBmE) 源自印度卡 (女子名) 涵意 : "god of love" 愛之神 [`kɑmә; ˋkɑ:mә] 卡馬河 (俄羅斯一河流,為窩瓦河之支流) 線上英漢字典/中文拼音/計算機 Chinese-English Dictionary / Calculator Enter chinese/english word(s), Taiwan address or math 、 ...

  7. *[lɒ:] n. 知識, 眼光