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  1. Telephone numbers in Sweden wikipedia 相關

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  1. History. Area codes. Special numbers. References. External links. Telephone numbers in Sweden. In Sweden, the area codes are, including the leading 0, two, three or four digits long, with larger towns and cities having shorter area codes permitting a larger number of telephone numbers in the eight to ten digits used (including the leading '0').

  2. This list may not reflect recent changes . 118 118 (Sweden) Telephone numbers in Sweden. Categories: Telephone numbers by country. Telecommunications in Sweden.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. Country calling codes, country dial-in codes, international subscriber dialing (ISD) codes, or most commonly, telephone country codes are telephone number prefixes for reaching telephone subscribers in foreign countries or areas via international

  5. Statistically, 6.447 (2004) million telephone main lines are in use, 8.0436 (2005) million mobile cellular telephones are in use [2] and 6.7 million Swedes are regular internet users. This abundance of telecommunication technology is a result of promoting a competitive industry that was made possible by deregulation.

  6. National conventions for writing telephone numbers vary by country. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) publishes a recommendation entitled Notation for national and international telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and Web addresses.

  7. Telephone numbers in Europe are managed by the national telecommunications authorities of each country. Most country codes start with 3 and 4 , but some countries that by the Copenhagen criteria are considered part of Europe have country codes starting on numbers most common outside of Europe (e.g. Faroe Islands of Denmark have a ...

  8. Cambodia (001 – Telecom Cambodia, 007 – Royal Telecom International) Colombia (005, 007, 009) Indonesia (001, 007, 008) South Korea (see Telephone numbers in South Korea#International call carrier codes) Taiwan (see Telephone numbers in Taiwan#International dialling) Thailand (see Telephone numbers in Thailand#International dialling) 010 ...