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  1. You can see how CF could be a homophily trap - tell Netflix that you liked the film “Sneakers” and it will find you other people who liked “Sneakers” (most of whom are, like you, ageing computer geeks), and suggest other films they liked. The recommendations ...

  2. Zipcar, Netflix, Spotify and an increasing number of other examples where individuals rent rather than own demonstrate that, for many—especially the young and/or affluent—the physical amassing of “stuff” is undesirable; so, they have begun to rent items that for ...

  3. No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention. (2020) Erin Meyer and Reed Hastings No Filter: The Inside Story of Instagram. (2020) Sarah Frier The 48 Laws of Power. Robert Greene What It Takes: Lessons in the Pursuit of Excellence. Stephen A

  4. Netflix, an American company that rents films, offered a $1m prize to anyone that could do a better job than its own experts in improving the algorithms it uses in online recommendations. It was stunned to receive entries from over 55,000 people in 186 countries.

    • Introductory Citation
    • Introduction
    • Definition
    • Description
    • Typologies
    • Areas of Application
    • Players Involved in The Crowdsourcing Process
    • The Crowdsourcing Process
    • Status
    • Historical Precedents

    1. Ross Dawson : "While many think that crowdsourcing is about cheap labor, there are many crowdsourcing models that are based on tapping a pool of the most talented people in the world, trumping any organization that relies only on their staff." 2. Douglas Rushkoff : I understand crowdsourcing as kind of an industrial age, corporatist framing of a...

    Crowdsourcing is a concept from an article in Wired magazine on the emergence of Distributed Labor Networks. It refers to the usage of distributed, voluntary collaboration from a wide community of users/participants, used in the context of commercial value generation and innovation. It can be associated with Revenue Sharingstrategies. Please note t...

    0. Sara C. Kingsley et al.: "Crowdsourcing is task-orientated labor distributed by requesters (“employers”) tocrowdworkers (“employees”) online through an open call on the Internet (Howe, 2006; Brabham,2013). Crowdsourcing labor platforms are a mechanism to distribute requests from people and firmswho want to outsource large numbers of micro-tasks ...

    Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva: "The term crowdsourcing was introduced by Howe (2006) in order to denote the new phenomena of outsourcing to the crowd. Howe (2006) provided also the very first definition of crowdsourcing as follows: “… crowdsourcing represents the act of a company or institution taking a function once performed by employees and outsou...

    see: Crowdsourcing - Typologies What you'll find there: 1.1 Introduction: Classification of Crowdsourcing Approaches 1.2 The fourfold typology of Emma Johnson 1.3 Ross Dawson's six-fold typology 1.4 Patrick Meier's Allsourcing 1.5 Nicholas Carr's fourfold typology of Crowds 1.6 Belsky and Kalmikoff's Crowdsourcing Business Models 1.7 Task-based, em...

    What can be crowdsourced? Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva: An interesting question is what at all is crowdsourcable? Is any task or problemsuitable for crowdsourcing? Or phrased in another way, for which tasks cancompanies expect a successful implementation of crowdsourcing? According to(Schenk & Guittard 2011) in general crowdsourcing is a priori not ...

    Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva: "The two main players in crowdsourcing are on the one side companies, whoprovide the problem that needs to be crowdsourced and users, i.e. the crowd, theindividual participants that provide the solutions. As a third player, there are alsointermediaries who enable the process of crowdsourcing by providing specificplatfor...

    Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva: "Existing literature delivers various attempts to give an overview ofcrowdsourcing related processes identifying and analysing the underlyingcharacteristics. Malone et al. (2010) adopted a biological metaphor determiningthe genome of collective intelligence systems as the combination of buildingblocks he refers to as ge...

    Trend Update 2011

    David Bratvold: "1) Curated Crowds The bigger your crowd doesn’t necessarily mean better output when it comes to crowdsourcing. This has been made apparent with the early days of crowdsourcing design sites. A design contest yielding 1,000 designs can become simply unmanageable. If you offer a prize large enough, any monkey with a crayon could contribute. I’m not saying a large crowd produces bad results, I’m simply stating there will be bad among the good. Luckily, there are almost always a l...

    Peter LaMotte: "Without the ambitious innovation of the crowd, we wouldn’t have modern shipping, canned soup, or even margarine. Yes, each of these discoveries were made through bounties being cast to an open crowd in search of a solution. Longitude Means of figuring out longitude and latitude were easy enough in the 1700s, that was as long as you ...

  5. 2023年12月23日 · Open OEM - Project to build the first open source computer, Open Source Laptop. Pandora - a handheld game console designed to take advantage of existing open source software and to be a target for home-brew development. PC532 - a personal computer design based on the NS32532 microprocessor, released in 1990.

  6. * Book: Ways of Being. Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for a Planetary Intelligence. James Bridle. Penguin, 2023 URL = ...