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  1. 澎湖縣 馬公東甲北極殿(啟明) 相關

  2. 秋冬精彩優惠行程限量搶購中,體驗難忘澎湖行程,歡迎來電洽詢. 員貝踏浪、抱礅釣魚、夜照小管等活動。秋冬優惠行程限量搶購中,歡迎來電洽詢!


  1. Wrote one of the first histories 'of the world', as he knew it, i.e. China and its border regions. 1. "Sima Qian (Szu-ma Chien; 司馬遷 c. 145 or 135 BC – 86 BC) was a Chinese historian of the Han dynasty. He is considered the father of Chinese historiography for his work, the Records of the Grand Historian, a Jizhuanti-style (纪传体 ...

  2. A gongban can be used by a variety of different companies, who either incorporate it in their products directly or build atop it as they please via modifications. ATU develops 130 gongbans annually in areas ranging from smart phones, tablets, smart watches, smart homes, and industrial controls—and distributes the designs for free.