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  1. The Beijing dialect (simplified Chinese: 北京话; traditional Chinese: 北京話; pinyin: Běijīnghuà), also known as Pekingese and Beijingese, is the prestige dialect of Mandarin spoken in the urban area of Beijing, China.

  2. 北京话,属于 漢語 官話 北京官话 的 京师片 (亦稱 幽燕片 京承小片),是指北京市区的使用的方言,而不包括部分北京郊县的方言。 方言特征为有明顯的 兒化 尾音,词语中间存在吞音。 有人把北京话的正宗语音称为“京片子”、「京腔」。 非官话区的人士经常将北京话与北京官话乃至 现代标准汉语 等同起来,甚至出現將其他近似普通話地區的方言等同於「北京腔」 [1]。 然而就語言分類上, 北京市 轄境內的语言,与河北 承德市 、辽宁 朝阳市 等地的方言都屬於 北京官話。 就北京話而言,方言範圍多集中於 北京中心市區,部份北京郊區縣以及一些鄉鎮的方言与北京话有一定區分(例如 平谷区 的平谷話、 延庆区 的延庆话等)。 歷史.

  3. Although Chinese speakers make a clear distinction between Standard Chinese and the Beijing dialect, there are aspects of Beijing dialect that have made it into the official standard. Standard Chinese has a T–V distinction between the polite and informal "you" that comes from the Beijing dialect, although its use is quite ...

    • Classification
    • Subdivisions
    • Phonological Features
    • Lexical Features
    • References

    Beijing Mandarin and Northeastern Mandarin were proposed by Chinese linguist Li Rong as two separate branches of Mandarin in the 1980s. In Li's 1985 paper, he suggested using tonal reflexes of Middle Chinese checked tone characters as the criterion for classifying Mandarin dialects. In this paper, he used the term "Beijing Mandarin" (北京官话) to refer...

    Beijing Mandarin is classified into the following subdivisions in the 2012 edition of Language Atlas of China: 1. Jīng–Chéng (京承) 1.1. Jīngshī (京师; 京師), including the urban area and some inner suburbs of Beijing. 1.2. Huái–Chéng (怀承; 懷承), including some suburbs of Beijing, parts of Langfang, most parts of Chengde, Wuqing and Duolun. 2. Cháo–Fēng (朝...


    With regard to initials, the reflexes of kaikou hu syllables with any of the 影, 疑, 云 and 以 initials in Middle Chinese differ amongst the subgroups: a null initial is found in the Jīngshī cluster, while /n/ or /ŋ/ initials are often present in the Huái–Chéng cluster and the Cháo–Fēngsubgroup. Dental and retroflex sibilants are distinct phonemes in Beijing Mandarin. This is contrary to Northeastern Mandarin, in which the two categories are either in free variation or merged into a single type o...


    In both Beijing Mandarin and Northeastern Mandarin, the checked tone of Middle Chinese has completely dissolved and is distributed irregularly among the remaining tones. However, Beijing Mandarin has significantly fewer rising-tone characters with a checked-tone origin, compared with Northeastern Mandarin. The Cháo–Fēngsubgroup generally has a lower tonal value for the dark level tone.

    The Cháo–Fēngsubgroup has more words in common with that of Northeastern Mandarin. The intensifier 老 is also used in the Cháo–Fēngsubgroup.

    Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (2012), Zhōngguó Yǔyán Dìtú Jí 中国语言地图集 [Language Atlas of China], vol. Hànyǔ Fāngyán Juàn 汉语方言卷 [Chinese dialects volume] (2nd ed.), Beijing: Commercial Press, IS...

  4. The Beijing dialect (simplified Chinese: 北京话; traditional Chinese: 北京話; pinyin: Běijīnghuà), also known as Pekingese and Beijingese, is the prestige dialect of Mandarin spoken in the urban area of Beijing, China.

  5. 2016年11月24日 · EMILY FENG. 2016年11月24日. 「如今在北京街頭,你幾乎再也聽不到老北京話了,」68歲的高先生說。. 他被認為是還在說「純」北京話的人之一,而這一群體正在漸漸消逝。. Gilles Sabrie for The New York Times. 北京——在沒聽過的人的耳朵裡,北京方言聽起來像是 ...

  6. Generally speaking, the Beijing dialect (sometimes called Beijingnese) is the dialect that is spoken in urban Beijing. But even within the city, there are variations. Residents in the southern suburbs, often poorer and working-class areas, may have a stronger accent compared to those in other districts where the accent is more refined.