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  1. 4 天前 · 貴州省 ,簡稱 貴 ,別稱 黔 ,是 中華人民共和國 西南地區 的一個 省份 ,位於 雲貴高原 東部。 省會是 貴陽市 。 貴州介於東經103°36′—109°35′、北緯24°37′—29°13′之間,東毗 湖南 、南鄰 廣西 、西連 雲南 、北接 四川 和 重慶 。 全省東西長約595公里,南北相距約509公里,面積約17.6萬平方公里,占中國國土面積的1.8%,共有9個地級行政區劃單位,88個縣級行政區劃單位。 2022年常住人口約為3856.00萬,貴州是一個多民族共居的省份,漢族占全省總人口的63.89%,少數民族人口占全省人口的36.11%。 素有多彩貴州之稱 [3] 。

  2. 贵州省 ,简称 贵 ,别称 黔 ,是 中華人民共和国 西南地区 的一个 省份 ,位于 云贵高原 东部。 省会是 贵阳市 。 貴州介于东经103°36′—109°35′、北纬24°37′—29°13′之间,东毗 湖南 、南邻 广西 、西连 云南 、北接 四川 和 重庆 。 全省东西长约595公里,南北相距约509公里,面积约17.6万平方公里,占中国国土面积的1.8%,共有9个地级行政区划单位,88个县级行政区划单位。 2022年常住人口约为3856.00万,贵州是一个多民族共居的省份,汉族占全省总人口的63.89%,少数民族人口占全省人口的36.11%。 素有多彩贵州之称 [3] 。

    • 因唐時屬黔中道而得名
    • 贵阳市
  3. › wiki › GuizhouGuizhou - Wikipedia

    • Name
    • History
    • Geography
    • Scientific Research
    • Administrative Divisions
    • Economy
    • Transportation
    • Demographics
    • Tourism
    • Colleges and Universities

    The area was first organized as an administrative region of a Chinese empire under the Tang, when it was named Juzhou (矩州), pronounced Kjú-jyuw in the Middle Chinese of the period. During the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty, the character 矩 (ju, "carpenter's square") was changed to the more refined (gui, "precious or expensive"). The region formally beca...

    Evidence of settlement by humans during the Middle Palaeolithic is indicated by stone artefacts, including Levallois pieces, found during archaeological excavations at Guanyindong Cave. These artefacts have been dated to approximately 170,000–80,000 years ago using optically stimulated luminescencemethods. From around 1046 BC to the emergence of th...

    Guizhou is a mountainous province, although its higher altitudes are in the west and centre. It lies at the eastern end of the Yungui Plateau.At 2,900 m (9,514 ft) above sea level, Jiucaiping is Guizhou's highest point. Guizhou has a humid subtropical climate. There are few seasonal changes. Its annual average temperature is roughly 10 to 20 °C, wi...

    Major scientific researchfacilities in Guizhou include: 1. The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST), the world's largest radio telescope 2. The Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Guizhou is divided into nine prefecture-level divisions: six prefecture-level cities and three autonomous prefectures: These nine prefecture-level divisions are in turn subdivided into 88 county-level divisions (14 districts, 7 county-level cities, 55 counties, and 11 autonomous counties and one special district).

    As of the mid-19th century, Guizhou exported mercury, gold, iron, lead, tobacco, incense and drugs. Its natural industry includes timber and forestry. Guizhou is also the third largest producer of tobacco in China, and home to the well-known brand Guizhou Tobacco. Other important industries in the province include energy (electricity generation) - ...

    In 2017, Sun Zhigang, the governor of Guizhou, announced plans to build 10,000 kilometres (6,210 mi) of highways, 600 kilometres (370 mi) of inland waterways, 4,000 kilometres (2,500 mi) of high-speed rail lines, and 17 airports in three years, in an effort to boost tourism in the province. Guizhou has continued to develop transportation infrastruc...

    In 1832, the population was estimated at five million. Guizhou is demographically one of China's most diverse provinces. Minority groups account for more than 37% of the population and they include Miao (including Gha-Mu and A-Hmao), Yao, Yi, Qiang, Dong, Zhuang, Bouyei, Bai, Tujia, Gelao and Sui. 55.5% of the province area is designated as autonom...

    The province has many covered bridges, called Wind and Rain Bridges. These were built by the Dong people.[citation needed] The southeastern corner of the province is known for its unique Dong minority culture. Towns such as Rongjiang, Liping, Diping and Zhaoxing are scattered amongst the hills along the border with Guangxi.[citation needed]

    • Guiyang
    • Gui - Gui Mountains, zhou (prefecture)
  4. 其他人也問了

  5. › zh-tw › 贵州省貴州省 - Wikiwand

    貴州省 ,簡稱 貴 ,別稱 黔 ,是 中華人民共和國 西南地區 的一個 省份 ,位於 雲貴高原 東部。. 省會是 貴陽市 。. 貴州介於東經103°36′—109°35′、北緯24°37′—29°13′之間,東毗 湖南 、南鄰 廣西 、西連 雲南 、北接 四川 和 重慶 。. 全省東西長約595公里 ...

  6. 貴州是古人類發祥地之一遠古人類化石和遠古文化遺存發現頗多。 早在24萬年前,就有人類棲息繁衍,已發現石器時代文化遺址80餘處。 觀音洞舊石器遺址被正式命名為「觀音洞文化」,對研究中國舊石器時代的起源和發展具有重要的科學價值。