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  1. 2024年6月16日 · 與新一代載人飛船實驗船任務相似,太空站的建設完全依賴專為近地軌道任務設計的新款長長征五號B型」,型號相較於用於高軌任務的標準型長征五號,該版本的運載火箭去掉了第二節火箭,原級間段(包括引擎與液氧貯箱部分)、二級液氫貯箱所

  2. 长征五号系列运载火箭 是 中国航天科技集团公司 研制的新一代五米直径低温液体捆绑式 大型运载火箭 系列。 其到达 近地轨道 的最大理論載荷為32~33噸(海南 文昌發射場 出發),实际 近地轨道 运力为25吨(长五B) [ 1 ],而到达 同步转移轨道 的最大有效载荷能力为14.5噸 [ 2 ][ 3 ]。

  3. › wiki › Long_March_5Long March 5 - Wikipedia

    • History
    • Design and Specifications
    • Space Debris Concerns
    • Launch Statistics

    Proposal and development

    Since 2010, Long March launches (all versions) have made up 15–25% of the global launch totals. Growing domestic demand for launch services has also allowed China's state launch provider to maintain a healthy manifest. Additionally, China had been able to secure some international launch contracts by offering package deals that bundlelaunch vehicles with Chinese satellites, thereby circumventing the effects of U.S. embargo. China's main objective for initiating the new CZ-5 program in 2007 wa...

    Early flights

    The launch was planned to take place at around 10:00 UTC on 3 November 2016, but several issues, involving an oxygen vent and chilling of the engines, were detected during the preparation, causing a delay of nearly three hours. The final countdown was interrupted three times due to problems with the flight control computer and the tracking software. The rocket finally launched at 12:43 UTC. The second launch on 2 July 2017 experienced an anomaly shortly after launch and was switched to an alt...

    Introduction of Long March 5B

    The fourth flight of the Long March 5 program also marked the debut of the CZ-5B variant. This variant retains the base Long March 5's core stage and its four strap-on boosters; however, the CZ-5's second stage (with 2 YF-75D engines) has been removed from the CZ-5B. This variant is used to launch heavy low Earth orbit payloads such as components of the Tiangong space station. The 5B variant may also be considered for launching satellite constellations in the future using the Yuanzhengupper s...

    The chief designer of CZ-5 is Li Dong (Chinese: 李东) of the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT). The CZ-5 family includes three primary modular core stages of 5.2-m diameter (maximum). The vehicle's total length is 60.5 meters and its weight at launch is 643 tons, with a thrust of 833.8 tons. Boosters of various capabilities and diamet...

    The first stage of the Long March 5B variant, which can reach orbital velocity and weighs 21.6 tonnes, currently lacks the capability for controlled atmospheric re-entry, meaning that debris could cause damage on the ground upon re-entry.Without modification, it is expected all LEO launches of the Long March 5B will result in uncontrolled re-entrie...

    Rockets in the Long March 5 family currently have accumulated a total of 12 launches as of 3 May 2024[update]. Of these, 11 were successful with a single failed launch. The cumulative success rate is 91.7%.

  4. 長征五號,屬於長征五號系列火箭,是中國研發的第一款大型運載火箭,屬目前長征系列運載火箭中最為強大的型號,其地月轉移軌道運載能力達到8噸,地球同步轉移軌道最大運載能力14噸,200千米近地軌道標稱運載能力25噸,較中國長征三...

  5. 2020年12月11日 · 長征五號是中國科技打造的兩級半構型捆綁式重型運載火箭。 運載火箭多是由多組引擎一級級地「疊高」組合而成,通常最部的第一級引擎最大。 火箭發射時,第一級引擎先發動,燃料耗盡後就從火箭箭體脫落,第二級引擎隨之點火,繼續為火箭提供動力,如此類推。 至於捆綁式,是指在第一級引擎周圍捆綁兩個或以上較小的助推引擎,這些助推引擎一般算作半級。 「長征五號」總高約57米,相當於大約20層樓,起飛重量約870噸,近地軌道發射能力達25噸,地(球)月(球)轉移軌道也達8噸,是目前中國發射高軌道衛星主力「長征三號B」的2倍多,也正好是「嫦娥五號」的重量。 長征五號時速超過4萬公里.

  6. 其他人也問了

  7. 長征五號系列運載火箭是中國航天科技集團公司研製的新一代五米直徑低溫液體捆綁式大型運載火箭系列。 其到達近地軌道的最大理論載荷為32~33噸(海南文昌發射場出發),實際近地軌道運力為25噸(長五B),而到達同步轉移軌道的最大有效載荷能力為14.5噸。

  8. 2022年12月8日 · 長征五號(代號:CZ-5)是21世紀10年代中國航天科技集團公司所屬 中國運載火箭技術研究院 抓總研製的一種大型低温液體捆綁式運載火箭。 長征五號為捆綁四個助推器的兩級半構型火箭 [1] ,採用無毒無污染推進劑,火箭全箭總長56.97米,起飛質量約869噸 [2-3] ,具備近地軌道25噸、地球同步轉移軌道14噸的運載能力 [4-5] ,可以完成近地軌道衞星、地球同步轉移軌道衞星、太陽同步軌道衞星、空間站、月球探測器和火星探測器等各類航天器的發射任務 [3] 。 長征五號於2006年正式立項研製 [2] 。 2016年11月3日,長征五號在文昌航天發射場首次成功發射,將 實踐十七號衞星 送入預定軌道 [6] 。

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