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  1. The GBU-53/B StormBreaker, previously known as the Small Diameter Bomb II, is an American air-launched, precision-guided glide bomb. [8] Development was started in 2006 for a 250 pounds (113 kg) class bomb that can identify and strike mobile targets from standoff distances in all weather conditions.

    • English

      Stormbreaker (also known as Alex Rider: Operation ...

  2. 《 風暴剋星 》(英語: Stormbreaker ,在美國記作 Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker )是一部2006年英國、美國和德國合拍的動作間諜片,由 傑佛瑞·薩克斯 (英语:Geoffrey Sax) 執導,改編自暢銷同名小說的英国电影作品。 电影描述14歲少年艾列克·雷德( 亞歷克斯·帕蒂弗 飾)在叔叔意外身亡之後,一夕之間從平凡的中學生,成為拯救世界的超級情報員的冒險過程。 該片由亞歷克斯·帕蒂弗、 米基·洛克 、 艾莉西亞·席薇史東 、 達米安·路易斯 、 伊旺·麥奎格 和 比爾·奈伊 主演。 英國於2006年7月21日上映,美國則於2006年10月6日以 有限上映 的方式發行。

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. Stormbreaker is an enchanted axe of Dwarvian manufacture, forged from Uru on Nidavellir with the ability to summon the Bifrost. Following Mjølnir 's destruction, the weapon was forged by Thor in order to defeat Thanos. After Mjølnir's reassembly, Thor allowed his adoptive daughter Love to wield Stormbreaker in combat. Contents. 1History.

  5. › wiki › Alex_RiderAlex Rider - Wikipedia

    Stormbreaker. Stormbreaker was first published in the year 2000, in the United Kingdom, and then in the year 2001 in the United States. Alex, the main character, is recruited by MI6 after discovering the truth about his uncle's life and death.