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  1. 2017年9月1日 · Go to GamePix.comand search for Shell Shockers. Click on the title icon followed by the Play Now buttonand the game will start loading the Game Lobby. From here, you can customize your egg, visit the shop, choose your weapons, game server, game mode, controls, and language. When you're ready to start, click Play and the game will begin.

    • io
  2. 2022年7月3日 · 特定網站 成功的不要忘記點讚分享哦:D

    • 58 秒
    • 6.1K
    • SR涼麵趁熱吃
  3. 加入離你最近的一個公共服務器使出渾身解數取得最高連殺次數或參與一局私人遊戲來磨煉你的射擊水準使你的槍法更精准努力適應突擊蛋槍的後坐力和霰蛋槍的準確率若你不幸被擊中你的蛋殼會裂開向你的對手展示你的弱點他們就是沖著你的蛋黃來的再被擊中就會隨時爆裂然後蛋黃濺滿一地。 利用印章和武器皮膚以及限量版的帽子定制你的蛋殼,向大家展示你的實力和本領,不論10分鐘的快速戰鬥還是1小時的全面戰爭,你都可以漂亮的主宰當前服務器世界,也可能是燦爛的爆裂,可以選擇3種與眾不同的遊戲模式:自由競技、團隊合作和鍋鏟爭奪戰。 操作教程: WASD鍵移動. 滑鼠左鍵射擊. 空白鍵跳躍. Shift鍵瞄準. E鍵更換武器. R鍵裝填子彈. Q鍵手雷. F 近战.

    • Tips and Tricks
    • Game Modes
    • Weapons
    Play tactically
    Act quickly
    Collect egg ammunition
    Think like an egg


    Join a team (either red or blue) and fight against the enemy eggs until your team has the most kills collectively.

    Free For All

    Every egg for themselves. If you see an egg, you shoot. Unless you want to be scrambled yourself. There is only one winner in this mode.

    Captula the Spatula

    Two teams battle for control of the spatula. The team with the spatula gets points for kills, but can lose them if the player holding the spatula dies.

    There are seven main weapon types in Shell Shockers. Each weapon has its advantages and drawbacks. If you have eggcellent aim, a weapon like the Crackshot would be great. If you’re more of a spray-and-pray type, try out the Whipper. The full weapon list for Shell Shockers is: 1. EggK-47 - classic medium-range automatic 2. Scrambler - high-damage sh...

  4. 159 views 7 months ago #教學 #蛋蛋槍戰. #蛋蛋槍戰 #教學 【喜歡我的影片的話,請訂閱嘻哈怪人吧!】 ...more. #蛋蛋槍戰 #教學 ...

    • 2 分鐘
    • 185
    • 嘻哈怪人🐣
  5. 2024年3月7日 · Shell Shockers is unique online shooter in first-person perspective where all the characters are represented exclusively by eggs. The player takes control of one of them in a multiplayer deathmatch arena with an arsenal of guns at his or her disposal. Developed by Blue Wizard Digital, this game fills a unique egg-shaped niche in ...

  6. 2020年2月12日 · 其實要脫離一般人的程度其實很簡單,只要掌握「跑跑跳跳 -> 停下來射擊 -> 跑跑跳跳」這樣的循環就可以了。 相較於一般FPS,SS的子彈速度簡直就像是高鐵對上腳踏車一樣,非常慢,況且如果擦邊的話傷害也不高,另外還會自動回血,那麼很重要的一個要點就是,一直跑跑跳跳。 絕對不要停下來,停下來超過三秒的話早就被狙掉了。 在SS中,一個好的狙擊手從發現敵人到消滅對方根本花不到一秒。 其他近戰武器如果距離適當的話也不需要一秒。 換言之,站在原地超過一秒就NG了。 所以切記,一直跑跑跳跳,WASD通通用上,最好是能用不規則的步伐移動,並且有事沒事就跳一下,這樣敵人也難以瞄準,何樂而不為呢?