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  1. › wiki › Low_fantasyLow fantasy - Wikipedia

    Low fantasy, or intrusion fantasy, is a subgenre of fantasy fiction in which magical events intrude on an otherwise-normal world. [1] [2] The term thus contrasts with high fantasy stories, which take place in fictional worlds that have their own sets of rules and physical laws.

  2. 浅度奇幻 (英語: low fantasy )也称作 低度奇幻 ,是 奇幻 故事的一个子类别,这类故事围绕“在合理世界中发生的异常或怪异事件”而展开。 [1] 与基于一整套全新自然规律的深度奇幻(又译 古典奇幻 )不同,浅度奇幻的故事背景只设定于基本上符合常理的现实世界或虚构世界,虽然加入了一些幻想元素,但其特色在于保留了现实世界的影子,不会过多地颠覆物理规律。 相对而言,低度奇幻故事的侧重点不在于浓墨重彩地展示其所包含的奇幻元素,而只是在一个近乎真实的世界中适当引入了奇幻元素。 这类故事有时模糊了真实与虚幻的边界,让寻常世界的角落里发生着非常的事件,而作者就是希望读者体验到一种亦真亦幻的感觉。 例如《 聊斋志异 》中的故事,多属于此范围。

  3. 淺度奇幻 (英語: low fantasy )也稱作 低度奇幻 ,是 奇幻 故事的一個子類別,這類故事圍繞「在合理世界中發生的異常或怪異事件」而展開。 [1] 與基於一整套全新自然規律的深度奇幻(又譯 古典奇幻 )不同,淺度奇幻的故事背景只設定於基本上符合常理的現實世界或虛構世界,雖然加入了一些幻想元素,但其特色在於保留了現實世界的影子,不會過多地顛覆物理規律。 相對而言,低度奇幻故事的側重點不在於濃墨重彩地展示其所包含的奇幻元素,而只是在一個近乎真實的世界中適當引入了奇幻元素。 這類故事有時模糊了真實與虛幻的邊界,讓尋常世界的角落裡發生著非常的事件,而作者就是希望讀者體驗到一種亦真亦幻的感覺。 例如《 聊齋志異 》中的故事,多屬於此範圍。

  4. Low Fantasy is a catchall, and inexact, term for secondary world fantasy which is neither High Fantasy nor Heroic Fantasy, though it may overlap with other sub-genres. Not a good way to define a genre, but English is funny like that, especially our particular.

  5. 2024年2月6日 · Low fantasy, also known as "intrusion fantasy," is a subcategory of the fantasy genre that showcases supernatural occurrences that happen on our earth. "Low" is not indicative of quality, but actually denotes the amount of traditional fantasy within the story. These events all happen in our world and intrude into the settings we already inhabit.

  6. 2018年1月12日 · Modified 16 days ago. Viewed 3k times. 23. When attempting to classify works in the fantasy genre, you often hear the term "high fantasy" used. Less common, but still present, is the term "low fantasy". As commonly understood, what's the main distinction between high and low fantasy? (Is there also a "medium" fantasy?) fantasy-genre. Share.