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  1. › auth › loginChatGPT

    ChatGPT helps you get answers, find inspiration and be more productive. It is free to use and easy to try. Just ask and ChatGPT can help with writing, learning, brainstorming and more.

  2. › chatgpt › overviewChatGPT - OpenAI

    ChatGPT helps you get answers, find inspiration and be more productive. It is free to use and easy to try. Just ask and ChatGPT can help with writing, learning, brainstorming and more.

  3. › auth › loginChatGPT

    ChatGPT helps you get answers, find inspiration and be more productive. It is free to use and easy to try. Just ask and ChatGPT can help with writing, learning, brainstorming and more.

  4. Open ChatGPT from any screen on your desktop with the keyboard shortcut. Use Option + Space on macOS or Alt + Space on Windows. Chat with your computer in real-time and get hands-free advice and answers while you work. This early beta works with developer tools, enabling ChatGPT to give you faster and more context-based answers to your questions.

  5. 2024年4月2日 · OpenAI正在全球逐步擴展這項功能,自由3C科技頻道實際測試,現在使用ChatGPT免費網頁版 (,確實不用再登入帳號相當方便但手機App仍要以帳號登入才行。 ChatGPT免費版是運行GPT-3.5模型,更高等級的GPT-4模型限制付費用戶。 值得注意的是,不登入帳號的ChatGPT用戶,部分功能將會受限,像是無法保存聊天記錄、網頁版的對話也不能同步至手機App,以及不提供一些個人化的設定。 OpenAI表示,目前全球185個國家超過1億人每週使用ChatGPT,為了再降低使用門檻,因此不限制帳號登入。 根據統計,雖然Google Gemini來勢洶洶,ChatGPT依舊是目前全球使用量最大的聊天機器人。

  6. The official ChatGPT desktop app brings you the newest model improvements from OpenAI, including access to OpenAI o1-preview, our newest and smartest model. · Chat with your computer—Use Advanced Voice to chat with your computer in real-time and get hands-free advice and answers while you work.

  7. GPT 官方中文版本

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