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  1. What Is a Ferritin Blood Test? A ferritin test measures the amount of a blood protein called ferritin, which stores iron. Think of your body as a kitchen pantry. Most of it is stocked with food...

  2. 2023年5月28日 · For a typical adult, body temperature can be anywhere from 97 F to 99 F. Babies and children have a little higher range: 97.9 F to 100.4 F. Your temperature doesn’t stay the same all day, and...

  3. 2021年11月12日 · What Is a Parathyroid Hormone Blood Test? Medically Reviewed by Minesh Khatri, MD on November 12, 2021. Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors. Why Would Your Doctor Order It? Risks and...

    • Climate
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    Normal body temperature averages 98.6 degrees. With hypothermia, core temperature drops below 95 degrees. In severe hypothermia, core body temperature can drop to 82 degrees or lower.

    During exposure to cold temperatures, most heat loss -- up to 90% -- escapes through your skin; the rest, you exhale from your lungs. Heat loss through the skin happens primarily through radiation and speeds up when skin is exposed to wind or moisture. If cold exposure is due to being immersed in cold water, heat loss can occur 25 times faster than...

    The hypothalamus, the brain's temperature-control center, works to raise body temperature by triggering processes that heat and cool the body. During cold temperature exposure, shivering is a protective response to produce heat through muscle activity. In another heat-preserving response -- called vasoconstriction -- blood vessels temporarily narro...

    Normally, the activity of the heart and liver produce most of your body heat. But as core body temperature cools, these organs produce less heat, in essence causing a protective \\"shut down\\" to preserve heat and protect the brain. Low body temperature can slow brain activity, breathing, and heart rate.

    Confusion and fatigue can set in, hampering a person's ability to understand what's happening and make intelligent choices to get to safety.

  4. 2024年3月8日 · Eosinophilia is when you have a higher than normal number of these special cells in your blood or tissue. What Is an Eosinophil Count? If you take a blood test and the results aren’t in the normal...

  5. 2023年3月3日 · This is the time when the heart fills with blood and gets oxygen. This is what your diastolic blood pressure number means: Normal: Lower than 80. Stage I: hypertension: 80-89. Stage II:...

  6. 2023年7月12日 · Symptoms of Hypochloremia. Causes of Hypochloremia. Diagnosis of Hypochloremia. Regular Chloride Ranges. Treatment of Hypochloremia. 4 min read. Hypochloremia is when you have a low level of ...