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  1. Epidigital is a term that has gained traction in recent years as a means of articulating developments in contemporary culture, which has seen a move beyond the postdigital mode of the late 20th century. The term is defined by an artist, designer, and forefather of the Postdigital movement, Ryota Matsumoto in 2021.

  2. Key argument: Peer Production, Crowdsourcing, when done on private platforms, is a form of exploitation of free labour. Tim Slee, reacting to an earlier blog commentary :

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    By the Open Hardware Foundation: "Open Design hardware is hardware in which enough detailed documentation is provided that a functionally compatible device could be created by a third party. It is not at all uncommon for the programmer's guides for a microcontroller to have complete instruction encoding formats, memory maps, block diagrams of the p...

    From the Wikipedia article at "Open Design is a term that applies to the investigation and potential of open source and the collaborative nature of the internet to create physical objects. People apply their skills and time to projects for the common good, perhaps where funding or commercial interest is lack...

    What Is Open Design? BY LARS2I / Open Circularity Project: (Version 1.0 Initially posted on April 2nd 2020) OPEN means for us to leave options open for the future! Preserve and add potentials instead of closing them. Create and keep as many potential productive futures as you can. With design, through design & despite of design! (The more of these ...

    What exactly is Open Design?

    Aurelie Ghalim, in her study, Fabbing Practices: "Researchers Kerstin Kalka, Christina Raasch and Cornelius Herstaat attempt to give the first statistical analysis of open design projects . Draw on a comparison to open source software; they observe strong similarities between OSS and OD: - We indicated that, in open design communities, tangible objects can be developed in very similar fashion to software; one could even say that people treat design as source code to a physical object and chan...


    1. Open Design Foundation,, Accessed August 17, 2012. 2. Kadushin, R, Open Design Manifesto. Presented at Mestakes and Manifestos (M&M), curated by Daniel Charny, Anti Design Festival, London, 18-21 September 2010. 3. Open Design Lab, Waag Society,, Accessed August 17, 2012. 4. Van Abel, B., "If you can't open it, you don't own it - Guimarães 2012, Open City Project", Watershed, July 2012,

    The Open Design FAQ is at Open collaborative design page at For related concepts, see Open Hardware, Open Source Hardware, Open Cores, Open P2P Communities, Open Peer to Peer Design.

  3. The current bible is that hefty 350-page report "The Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy" by Michel Bauwens of the Foundation for Peer-to-Peer Alternatives, which handily depicts the spread and clout of Sharing, factoring in things like cooperatives, crowdsourced achievements like wikipedia, and open software.

  4. The contradiction of cognitive capitalism is that the products themselves are generally cheap to produce, so they have to be kept in a state of artificial scarcity through IP protection. Cognitive capitalism is associated with the process of a private appropriation of the Information Commons.

  5. To be modern is to live through technological developments that fundamentally alter the ways in which people interact with their world, to shorten the lifespan of human relationships with particular technologies, and thus give life a sense of fast-paced movement, towards the direction of progress, or otherwise.

  6. This contains impulse control and character development with interpersonal relations and cognitive preoccupations, including self-concept. Sullivan (1958) proposed four levels of "interpersonal maturity and interpersonal integration": impulsive, conformist, conscientious, and autonomous.