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  1. Job Interview Interviewer : Good afternoon, please have a seat. Interviewee : Thank you. Interviewer : How are you doing today?Did you have any trouble finding the office? Interviewee : I'm fine thank you, and I had no trouble at all getting here.I'm fine

  2. I have got a splitting headache!!! Caroline : Are you coming to the restaurant with us Judi? Judi : No, I'm sorry.I can't, I've got a splitting headache. I'm having one of my migraines. Caroline : Oh, you poor thing.Is there anything I can do? Judi : No, it's all right.I've taken

  3. 抒情英文歌 抒情英文歌01. Adele - Chasing Pavements I've made up my mind Don't need to think it over If I'm wrong I am right Don't need to look no further This isn’t lust I know this is love But if I tell the world I'll never say enough Cos it was not said to you

  4. › lovemixmatch_2014A( 25,999 B( 27,999

    •HiTutor針對特定性的主題:電影英文、新聞英文、旅遊英文、打工渡假、用英文介紹台灣、關鍵字彙、話題閱讀,等7門主題 課程,讓學員針對自己喜愛的主題,藉主題式學習更深入的探 討該主題相關的議題,延伸學習的觸角,強化主題性觀點能力。

  5. 大甲 大甲鎮は台湾中部の沿岸地域に位置して、台中県の北西部に、大甲渓下流の北岸に位置しています。東は外埔郷と、西は台湾海峡及び大安郷と、南は大甲渓を挟んで清水鎮と、北は苗栗県 苑裡鎮と接している。 鎮内には大甲渓と大安渓が南部及び中部に流れています。