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  1. 1 Definition. 1.1 Short Definitions. 1.2 Long Definition. 2 Related Definitions. 3 History. 4 Benefits. 5 Typology. 5.1 Four Categories of Openness. 5.2 Differences between open hardware, free hardware, open hardware design. 5.3 Three-stage Roadmap for Implementation. 6 Examples. 7 Discussion: Specific difficulties of Open Hardware.

  2. Card games, poker rounds, games of chance, bets, sports such as football, board games such as Monopoly, races, marathons, puzzles, Tetris, Rubik's Cube, Scrabble, sudoku, online games such as World of Warcraft, and Halo -- all are finite games. The game ends when someone wins. An infinite game, on the other hand, is played to keep the game going.

  3. Loevinger conceived of an ego-development system which closely resembles moral development, but is broader in scope and uses empirical methods of study. She created an objective test of mothers' attitudes to problems in family life, which Loevinger called the Family Problems Scale.

  4. Introduction Mark Pesce: “What happens after we’re all connected? When I asked that question, seven years ago, well over eighty percent of all Australians had their own mobile, and the bulk of the nation had signed up for broadband Internet access. The answer ...

  5. The OHF brings the desire to see a free and open hardware product made available to the average user, the resources of the free and open source community, and the capability to bridge the gap between community developing free and open hardware and the business world producing the hardware.

  6. 1 Definition. 2 Discussion. 2.1 Three Ways to Organize Human Knowlege. 2.2 Why Classificatin is Different in Digital Environments. 2.3 Why Tagging is better than Metadata. 2.4 Narrow vs. Broad Folksonomies. 3 Historical Context. 3.1 The Four Charasteristics of Traditional Knowledge Organization. 3.2 Changes in the "Third Order" Digital Era.

  7. The objectives of the Eco-Patent Commons are to facilitate the use of existing technologies to protect the environment, and encourage collaboration between businesses that foster new innovations. The new pledges more than double the number of environmentally-friendly patents available to the public.