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  1. 2023年3月3日 · The diastolic reading, or the bottom number, is the pressure in the arteries when the heart rests between beats. This is the time when the heart fills with blood and gets oxygen. This is what your...

  2. 2023年7月12日 · They protect it from alien substances and fight infection. A higher-than-normal number of white blood cells is called leukocytosis. Leukocytes usually increase in number when they are doing their...

  3. 2023年9月19日 · Antibodies are proteins that your immune cells make to fight off bacteria, viruses, and other harmful invaders. The immunoglobulin test can show whether there's a problem with your immune system....

  4. 2022年1月27日 · Leukocytes are white blood cells that help your body fight germs. When you have more of these than usual in your urine, it's often a sign of a problem somewhere in your urinary tract. Some of the...

  5. 2023年11月6日 · These are scavenger cells that fight certain infections, destroy cancer cells, and help other white blood cells remove dead or damaged tissues. Monocytes are one of the five different types of...

  6. 2022年11月7日 · The first thing you need to know is that the numbers by themselves are not enough to predict your risk of heart problems or to determine what you need to do to lower that risk. They’re just one...

  7. 2023年5月2日 · The urethra senses the sperm and fluid mixture. Then, at the height of sexual excitement, it sends signals to your spinal cord, which in turn sends signals to the muscles at the base of your penis ...