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  1. 2011年4月10日 · SIP = Session Initiation Protocol. = a standards-based Peer-to-Peer architecture, it can also be used for streaming applications. URL = Why open-source advocates should use a SIP-based phone system like Gizmo instead of Skype.

  2. Integrated (E9) According to Loevinger, this stage is rarely attained. At the integrated stage, "learning is understood as unavoidable ... the unattainable is renounced."[36] The ego exhibits wisdom, broad empathy towards oneself and others, and a capacity to be aware of inner conflicts (like the individualistic ego) or to tolerate them (like the autonomous ego) and make peace with them.[38] "

  3. "The game of Chicken, also known as the Hawk-Dove game, is an influential model of conflict for two players in game theory. The principle of the game is that while each player prefers not to yield to the other, the outcome where neither player yields is the worst possible one for both players."

  4. Cryptoeconomics is an embryonic field at present and can be taken to include several areas of focus: information security engineering, mechanism design, token engineering and market design.

  5. Description. 1. Danimim: "Valocracy': A novel and structured social, economic, and political framework that attempts to leverage blockchain technology in order to create new forms of organizations with the goal of empowering communities along with their individuals and their combined efforts." - Casta [1]

  6. "Co-Production is a term used to redefine the relationship between service professionals and the beneficiaries of services as one of mutuality and reciprocity rather than one of dependency. This process may or may not involve the use of a community currency mechanism such as time banking." ( )

  7. 2012年1月4日 · Open_Sailing is a project that is well underway. We are a constantly growing, international team of around 15 people designing and engineering a prototype that is being built now in the UK, France and Morocco – under the mentoring of numerous experts. We will set sail in May from London to Rotterdam.