Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. male. 『我的一家之言,不會去媚理中客的俗』. 此處為譯者K.K.在中二模式時的政治廚餘堆置區,. 一般人類應該無法承受,有意加友加粉者請注意。. 中文世界資歷最長的日本輕小說譯者K.K. 部落格: 譯者K.K.的輕小說人生 :: 痞客邦 :: FB: Facebook. Taipei, Taiwan.

  2. 台灣官方噗浪帳號 [plurktaiwan] - Plurk. Plurk TW plurktaiwan. Sign in. Register your plurk account for free.

  3. 「不能搜索的關鍵字」指那種光看名稱讓人不知道是甚麼、看起來沒什麼攻擊性, 但一做死去搜就會跳出可怕東西的關鍵字。 大家有沒有私藏的不能蒐鎖的恐怖關鍵字呢? 你敢留言,我就敢去查! 10. Today. Pinned. Apr 17. 6:18pm. Mar 15. 5:20am. Nov 25, 2023. 2:42am. Nov 18, 2023.

  4. not related to the case at hand, but if you say a slur without knowing it's a slur, it's perfectly okay! if you want to ask 'hey is blank a slur' and it turns out being one, it's not a big deal!! what makes it a big deal is whenever people will continue to use it after being made aware it is a slur! ಠ_ಠ whispers.

  5. Profile views 70560 Friends invited 86 Plurks 28342 Plurk responses 157238 Member since: ( ´ ` )ノ Last login ( ´ ` )ノ

  6. Profile views 112373 Friends invited 64 Plurks 1447 Plurk responses 13035 Member since: ( ´ ` )ノ Last login ( ´ ` )ノ

  7. 興趣是寫作,但文筆還有待改進。 寶可夢佛系對戰玩家,心血來潮就會打。 頭貼繪師:https://ww...