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  1. 上萬部YouTube影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。 是最適合華人提升英文聽力和英文口說的學習方法和工具。

  2. 今天要跟你們介紹簡單的英文發音。. It's simple, but it is confusing. 很簡單,但很容易讓人搞混。. Many people get this wrong, and this is the silent B, the silent /b/. Except it's not a /b/, because we do not say it. 很多人會搞錯的發音是無聲 b,音標為 /b/,但他其實不念 /b/,因為我們根本 ...

  3. 什麼是國際音標? 它是一個語音符號系統,而我。 use it a lot on my website and when I teach students. I've also used it a lot when I've. 在我的網站上使用它很多,當我教學生。 我也經常使用它,當我've. studied foreign languages. The IPA is especially handy when studying English because English. 學習外語。 在學習英語時,IPA特別方便,因為英語的. is not a phonetic language.

  4. 如果你拿一個激光器照在有兩個洞的牆上,你就有了著名的...。 double slit experiment - where waves coming through two slits interfere with each other. 雙縫實驗. to be bright in some places on the wall, and dark in others. 要在牆上有些地方亮,有些地方暗。 And this works with quantum particles, too, since they behave in wave-like ways: send. 這對量子粒子也適用,因為它們的行為類似波的方式:發送.

  5. what does IPA do? IPA is a sound alphabet - it gives you a symbol, like this one or this one, and it means one. sound - always. In English, we have a bunch of letters, which correspond to vowels or consonants, and many. of these have multiple sounds: The letter C as in Cat and C as in Nice are.

  6. UK /'ʃɔ:tn/. 縮短,變短. 自動播放. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。. 學這些英文用法:弱化,英語,縮寫,發音,人士,試試,表親,道地,元音,聽到,在一起,書寫,聽力,奶油,文法 ...

    • 3 分鐘
  7. 很多在網路上的英文字. that we’re not so familiar with. 而我們卻好像對它們不是很熟悉. among them are the acronyms. 其中就包括英文「縮寫」 You know it’s not real English vocabulary. 你知道它們不是真的英文單字. they’re just letters put together. 它們就是一些字母放在一起.