Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. The negotiation starts from: 1. collective memory of migration routes; 2. historical tribal sites; and 3. contemporary living spaces. Mutual endorsement establishes the legitimacy of tribal sovereignties. c. Community-habitat protocol based on tribal institution and local knowledge for interdependent economy and inter-species polity.

  2. Taiwan — a 30-year old democracy that just went through its 3rd change of power by election this May — is on the way to creating a something new under the sun.

  3. Short Definition. "Peer to peer is the relational dynamic at work in distributed networks". Peer to peer is there not restricted to technology or P2P filesharing as such, but covers every social process with a peer to peer dynamic, whether these peers are humans or computers. Peer to peer is particularly expressed in social processes such Peer ...

  4. 2019年8月8日 · A typical P2P search system can be seen as consisting of two parts — the underlying distributed system and its mechanisms for transfer and delivery, and the search tool on top. There is little doubt today that the p2p model for distribution is a very powerful solution for distributing content around the web.

  5. 2017年6月26日 · Description. "Matrix is an open standard for interoperable, decentralised, real-time communication over IP. It can be used to power Instant Messaging, VoIP/WebRTC signalling, Internet of Things communication - or anywhere you need a standard HTTP API for publishing and subscribing to data whilst tracking the conversation history.

  6. The way Polis operates is that a topic is put up for debate. Anyone with an account can post comments on the topic, and can also upvote or downvote other people’s comments. Unusually for online media, users cannot reply to other users’ comments, making it difficult to engage in trolling.

  7. We are the 99 %, but it will probably not be 99 % that will support a new approach for social protection. However, large majorities should be possible if the focus is put on the universal benefits of social protection and if the overall advantages of social commons are being accepted.

  1. %E7%99%BC%E7%A5%A8%E7%8D%8E 相關

  2. Product selection guide for all protein analysis needs. Extraction, clean up, detection. Learning centers, handbooks, protocols, scientific posters, citations, get support.