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  1. Loevinger conceived of an ego-development system which closely resembles moral development, but is broader in scope and uses empirical methods of study. She created an objective test of mothers' attitudes to problems in family life, which Loevinger called the Family Problems Scale.

  2. * Article: Control of the Platform Reserve Army: The Roles of the State and Capital in China's Platform Economy. By Wei Zhang, Hao Qi and Zhongjin Li. Science ...

  3. The core of mature socialism is a system of multilevel democratic iterative coordination (MDIC), involving mutually supportive and mutually defining roles for a central authority and enterprises. This conception clarifies the relations between the socialist core and various precursor forms in existing transitional societies."

  4. Abstract. "The notion of Free Digital Labor has emerged at the center of scientific debate with the advent of platform capitalism. This notion denotes the apparently free activity that users perform on digital platforms, producing, often unknowingly, data without any monetary remuneration.

  5. 2009年1月16日 · Nicholas Carr has been particularly pointed about the movement of digital sharecropping onto the web, and Seth Finkelstein has pointed to several examples including citizen journalism. It's a phrase that should be front and centre of everyone's mind when they see the phrase "networked production". The distinction can often be seen in who is ...

  6. Exosomatic evolution refers to the unfolding of a form of life that is no longer just the endosomatic evolution of the biological life of the biosphere, but rather technical life, that produces organs extending outside the body of the organism, without which it cannot survive.

  7. 2020年2月4日 · This reactive autonomy entails the ability of workers to leverage capitalist technology for the purposes of “controlling work pace, protecting colleagues, unauthorized productive improvisations, informal rationalizations and innovations” (Feenberg 2002, 84), and otherwise countervailing the operational autonomy of ownership.