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  1. Description From the Wikipedia: "Noocracy, or "aristocracy of the wise", as defined by Plato, is a social and political system that is "based on the priority of human mind", according to Vladimir Vernadsky. It was also further developed in the writings of Pierre ...

  2. Typology. Brewster Kneen: "Roman law recognised five different categories of what might be described as ‘impersonal' property7. These categories are not tidy, as indicated by the word res, the Latin word for ‘thing,' a fuzzy word if there ever was one. But they do offer more ‘property' options than seem to be recognised today.

  3. 2018年12月29日 · 1. Excerpted from Zelalem Tesfaye Sirna: "The Gadaa system is an indigenous egalitarian democratic system practiced among the Oromo nation of East Africa for the last six hundred years. Among other structural elements of Gadaa system is its legislative body commonly known as Gadaa General Assembly. The assembly takes place under a sycamore tree ...

  4. An electrified village that generates its own power may encourage connections to the larger grid by a transmission line. These self-contained systems can help strengthen many developing-world grids prone to outages by producing or storing extra power as needed. The transition to a grid powered by distributed renewables may be challenging at first.

  5. BanLink is basically a collection of SL communities’ ban lists. It’s not a universal ban list, however. Instead, you as a community administrator can choose which other communities to trust; the people banned from those communities are then automatically banned from yours. If one of those people then clears their name with you, you can ...

  6. Dmytri Kleiner is the author of The Telekommunist Manifesto, and a contributing artist to the “Miscommunication Technologies” continuing series of artworks in collaboration with the Telekommunisten Network. “Miscommunication Technologies” address the social relations embedded in communications technologies by creating platforms that don ...

  7. Description. Dan Zaccagnino and Matthew Siegel: "It has been an incredible year for Indaba Music – with much owed to Creative Commons and the incredible tools and culture it has fostered. Indaba Music is a community of over 350,000 musicians from 185 countries who create music together in online recording sessions.