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  1. Description Holoptism ( or more accurately " Holopticism " ? ? ) is opposed to panoptism. This conceptual distinction is used in the Collective Intelligence site of ...

  2. 2021年3月29日 · 1. COGNITIVE: self and community actualization, role, service, identity, and esteem. 2. PHYSICAL: water, food, housing, safety, and security. 3. SPIRITUAL: spirituality and life purpose. 4. EMOTIONAL: love, relationship, and belonging. The breath of life theory predicts that, if the relational worldview principles are out of balance within the ...

  3. 2009年4月19日 · By Anjana Ahuja. [1] Excerpt: “From dog-walking to rubbish clearance, civic-minded Estonians can now draw on a virtual Bank of Happiness which trades in good deeds. Anjana Ahuja reports from Tallinn. On one level, it was just a haircut. Peeter, a middle-aged IT manager, entrusted his diminishing locks to Nele, a young craftswoman armed with ...

  4. 2011年6月20日 · 1. Isaac Mao: "Sharism (分享主义 in Chinese) is about sharing, for sure. It means a tendency of sharing your works (everything) to be used by your social network (or public domain), but still keep your right and property based on your consensus. It's really not strange concept especiall after blogging and web 2.0 stuffsemerged for years.

  5. 2021年4月12日 · It explores the world view and theoretical foundations of a very specific ideological framework called Critical Social Justice (CSJ). In their book, Pluckrose and Lindsay refer to Critical Social Justice as simply “Social Justice” (note the capitalization) to distinguish CSJ from the general aims of what some call social justice and others ...

  6. 2014年1月1日 · From the Wikipedia [1] Transformative social change is a philosophical, practical and strategic process to effect revolutionary change within society, i.e.,social transformation. It is effectively a systems approach applied to broad-based social change and social justice efforts to catalyze sociocultural, socioeconomic and political revolution.

  7. 2019年3月13日 · Definition. 1. "Relocalization is a strategy to build societies based on the local production of food, energy and goods, and the local development of currency, governance and culture. The main goals of relocalization are to increase community energy security, to strengthen local economies, and to improve environmental conditions and social equity.