Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Overview. The Department of Cardiology was established in 1955 as the internal medicine division of the “Heart Institute Japan affiliated with Tokyo Women's Medical University”, and has been playing a leading role as a pioneer of cardiovascular clinical care in Japan. We have about 76,000 patients in outpatients division and 29,000 ...

  2. Overview. The Department of Pediatric Surgery of Tokyo Women's Medical University had been providing pediatric surgical care as a pediatric group within the former Second Department of Surgery, but became independent as a hospital-affiliated department in April 2015. Currently, our department is not a part of the core fields, but we are in ...

  3. TWMUJ is a scientific, open-access, and peer-reviewed journal, covers medical science and medical care including clinical and basic medical science, as well as public health and nursing science from around the world. Journal Title: Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal.

  4. 当科の前身は、東京女子医大附属青山病院睡眠総合診療センターで、2010年より睡眠時無呼吸症候群を中心とした睡眠呼吸障害、むずむず脚症候群、レム睡眠行動障害、ナルコレプシーなどの過眠症、睡眠覚醒リズム障害、不眠症などの睡眠障害の検査、診断、治療を行ってまいりました。

  5. The Department of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, as a medical support section, provides diagnosis and treatment through endoscopy. As the Endoscopy Room of the Central Laboratory, we perform 11,000 upper gastrointestinal (esophagus, stomach, duodenum) endoscopies, 5,500 colonoscopies, 600 endoscopic cholangiopancreatography, and many small bowel ...

  6. 東京女子医科大学病院 腎臓内科では「患者さんを中心に考える」を診療のポリシーとしています。腎臓病は短期決戦ではなく、長期に病気と戦う患者さんと寄り添っていくことになります。病気だけをみて診療することなく、患者さんの気持ちや社会生活などを尊重して治療することを ...

  7. 2024年04月11日 第40回吉岡彌生記念講演会のご案内:2024年5月22日~29日配信 2024年02月21日 好評受付中! 3月7日(木)第10回地域連携セミナー 2024年02月02日 【プレスリリース】男子看護学生のためのキャリアセミナー開催のお知らせ 2023年12月07日 【1/18(木)開催】高橋倫子先生ご登壇!