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  1. Loevinger conceived of an ego-development system which closely resembles moral development, but is broader in scope and uses empirical methods of study. She created an objective test of mothers' attitudes to problems in family life, which Loevinger called the Family Problems Scale.

    • The Scale Factor in Maintaining Reverse Dominance
    • Reverse Dominance and The Female Cosmetic Coalition Model
    • Reverse Dominance Hierarchy and State Formation

    Christopher Boehm: "Intentional leveling linked to an egalitarian ethos is an immediate and probably an extremely widespread cause of human societies' failing to develop authoritative or coercive leadership. This is a psychological interpretation. A "material" factor that seems to correlate universally with absence of such leadership is smallness o...

    Camilla Power: "Women’s bodies evolved over a million years to favour the ‘one woman, one penis’ principle, rewarding males who were willing to share and invest over those who competed for extra females, at the expense of investment. But we’ve got to remember that as we became more Machiavellian in our strategies, so did would-be alpha males. The f...

    Christopher Boehm: "Reverse Dominance Hierarchy and State Formation I have made the case that egalitarian behavior arises from dislike of being dominated. At the individual level, this might be called "love of autonomy," but I have chosen to approach it in terms of group values (or ethos) and political coalition formation. Individual dislike of bei...

  2. 2023年11月20日 · Not likely. In Hierarchy in the Forest: The Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior, anthropologist Christopher Boehm argues that we share with chimpanzees and bonobos a tendency toward despotism. Yet nomadic hunter-gatherers have nevertheless been uniformly egalitarian, seemingly for thousands if not millions of years.

  3. 3. Taylor C. Dotson & James E. Wilcox: "The generative justice model, in contrast, proposes “closing the loop.”. That is, value generated by labor and/or nature are to be governed by the people and recirculated within the systems doing the producing, rather than redistributed by a centralized state. By allowing values to be circulated, as ...

  4. Discussion AI can capture the General Intellect, but not General Cognition Sean Cubitt: "This continuum of sensations and activities below the threshold of consciousness – digestion, breathing, balance and locomotion – connects everything from minds to minerals ...

  5. Relational spirituality defines itself in contrast to the vertical spirituality that focuses on inner transformation alone, in abstraction from the relational basis of human life; and in contrast to the authoritarian aspects of many traditional and contemporary spiritual paths. The following can serve as a good introduction to the topic.

  6. Description Ian Morris: "Evolutionists are theorists who see some conceptual continuity between human history and biological evolution; who consider sociocultural evolution to be governed by identifiable mechanisms functioning somewhat like