Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Michael H. Goldhaber is a writer and consultant living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area. He originated the concept of the Attention Economy in the mid–eighties and has since worked to better understand what is at stake. This is part of a larger framework of trying to understand how the human species and its apparent reality are ...

  2. 随着政治、经济和社会体系转变为分布式的网络,种新型的人类社会力量出现了:点对点模式(简称P2P)。 由于P2P正在引发第三种生产模式、第三种管理模式和第三种物权模式的出现,它们正准备以空前的方式检阅我们的政治经济学。

  3. Excerpted from Text Ronald Logan: "A century has passed since Kropotkin challenged the ...

  1. 其他人也搜尋了