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  4. 13 Reasons Why (also stylized as TH1RTEEN R3ASONS WHY) is an American teen drama television series developed for Netflix by Brian Yorkey and based on the 2007 novel Thirteen Reasons Why by author Jay Asher.

    • Historical Origin
    • Network Function
    • TCP Segment Structure
    • Protocol Operation
    • Vulnerabilities
    • TCP Ports
    • Development
    • Hardware Implementations
    • Wire Image and Ossification
    • Performance

    In May 1974, Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn described an internetworking protocol for sharing resources using packet switching among network nodes. The authors had been working with Gérard Le Lann to incorporate concepts from the French CYCLADES project into the new network. The specification of the resulting protocol, RFC 675 (Specification of Internet Tr...

    The Transmission Control Protocol provides a communication service at an intermediate level between an application program and the Internet Protocol. It provides host-to-host connectivity at the transport layer of the Internet model. An application does not need to know the particular mechanisms for sending data via a link to another host, such as ...

    Transmission Control Protocol accepts data from a data stream, divides it into chunks, and adds a TCP header creating a TCP segment. The TCP segment is then encapsulatedinto an Internet Protocol (IP) datagram, and exchanged with peers. The term TCP packet appears in both informal and formal usage, whereas in more precise terminology segment refers ...

    TCP protocol operations may be divided into three phases. Connection establishment is a multi-step handshake process that establishes a connection before entering the data transfer phase. After data transfer is completed, the connection terminationcloses the connection and releases all allocated resources. A TCP connection is managed by an operatin...

    TCP may be attacked in a variety of ways. The results of a thorough security assessment of TCP, along with possible mitigations for the identified issues, were published in 2009, and was pursued within the IETF through 2012. Notable vulnerabilities include denial of service, connection hijacking, TCP veto and TCP reset attack.

    A TCP connection is identified by a four-tuple of the source address, source port, destination address, and destination port.[d] Port numbers are used to identify different services, and to allow multiple connections between hosts. TCP uses 16-bit port numbers, providing 65,536 possible values for each of the source and destination ports. The depen...

    TCP is a complex protocol. However, while significant enhancements have been made and proposed over the years, its most basic operation has not changed significantly since its first specification RFC 675 in 1974, and the v4 specification RFC 793, published in September 1981. RFC 1122, published in October 1989, clarified a number of TCP protocol im...

    One way to overcome the processing power requirements of TCP is to build hardware implementations of it, widely known as TCP offload engines(TOE). The main problem of TOEs is that they are hard to integrate into computing systems, requiring extensive changes in the operating system of the computer or device.

    The wire data of TCP provides significant information-gathering and modification opportunities to on-path observers, as the protocol metadata is transmitted in cleartext. While this transparency is useful to network operators and researchers, information gathered from protocol metadata may reduce the end-user's privacy. This visibility and malleabi...

    As TCP provides applications with the abstraction of a reliable byte stream, it can suffer from head-of-line blocking: if packets are reordered or lost and need to be retransmitted (and thus arrive out-of-order), data from sequentially later parts of the stream may be received before sequentially earlier parts of the stream; however, the later data...

  5. Historical rankings of presidents of the United States

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