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  1. * Book: The Life Divine. URL = Contextual Quote "The first seven chapters of The Life Divine comprised a sort of extended introduction. Sri Aurobindo approached the basic problem of Being versus Becoming (and, consequently, of the meaning of human existence ...

  2. It then follows that the patriarchy will be dismantled and the lost pre-patriarchal culture can be regained.”95 Rather, the women’s spirituality movement is a loosely constituted, highly diverse part of the feminist movement in which women

    • Part 1
    • Part 2
    • Conclusion

    "Eisenstein argues that beyond printing itself, the printing press led a new coordination of intellectual labor, in which the printer became a boundary-crosser who wore many hats (p.56). Printing also allowed easier comparisons and cross-references (p.72). Suddenly, for instance, Montaigne "could see more books [in] a few months ... than earlier sc...

    "The above summary, I'm afraid, is only of Part I of the book. In subsequent chapters, Eisenstein examines a number of topics in greater detail. First, she examines the Renaissance and the Reformation. In particular, she argues that in Italy, the advent of printing helps to explain "a shift in human consciousness and a concurrent revolution in comm...

    In her conclusion, Eisenstein links the print revolution to the emergent digital texts she saw (in 1979, when the book was published). She points out that "the process that began in the mid-fifteenth century has not ceased to gather momentum in the age of the computer print-out and the television guide. Indeed the later phases of an on-going commun...

  3. Bregman believes that when humans were hunter-gatherers (which is 95% of human history) “men and women were more or less equal” and that our male ancestors were “more like proto-feminists”. He argues that only after humans settled down and invented agriculture, they became violent and power structures corrupted us.

  4. When Jeremy Lent's life started unravelling around 15 years ago, he found himself going through a deep crisis of meaning. He had recently taken the internet company that he founded public, but left to care for his wife who had developed serious health problems. Within a couple of years the company had collapsed and his wife passed away.

  5. In this context, the principle of zero-cost politics is formalized also with the political initiative of the so-called "Restitution Day" by parliamentarians belonging to the Movement: the first time about €1.5 million of their wages returned and paid into the Amortization

  6. The heat and drought and melting are already coming in China.95 If the Chinese don’t organise a rationally managed retrenchment and shutdown of unsustainable industries, Mother Nature is going to shut those industries down for them and in a much less pleasant ...

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