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  1. 2024年10月19日 · From fears about sugar to confusion over which types to eat, here are five myths about fruit that dietitians want to set straight. “Fruits are one of the most nutrient-dense and healthy foods we...

  2. 2024年10月21日 · While there's no question that fruits like lemon, lime, orange and grapefruit have many health benefits, not all of the claims associated with citrus actually hold up. Here's what it can and cannot...

  3. 2024年10月30日 · Here are some of the banned foods you may or may not have known were ever off-limits: 1."Époisses. It's a very soft cheese with a similar texture to brie, but it's typically aged less. Young...

  4. 2024年11月20日 · Recently, the New York Times published a story about this trend and how it's impacting Gen X and baby boomers who hoped to be grandparents. The article is called "The Unspoken Grief of Never...

  5. 2024年10月27日 · "Eat whole foods, avoid processed foods, consume lean protein and follow a Mediterranean diet," Dr. Javaid advises, adding that she urges patients to eat plant-based foods when possible. Dr. Javaid...

    • Shelby Deering
  6. 2024年9月18日 · Here are foods to avoid on flights for a bevy of reasons. Complimentary beverage? Negative, ghost rider. Be careful what you eat or drink on your next flight — passengers unfamiliar with the way...

  7. 2024年10月23日 · On TikTok and X, influencers are breaking down nutrition labels and sharing their "hot takes” and warnings about seed oils. There’s even an app that helps people find restaurants without seed oils....