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  1. Nurturing internationally viable , global medical professionals. The international student exchange program at Tokyo Women's Medical University (TWMU) was initiated through a partnership agreement with Cardiff University (UK) in 1997.

  2. Tokyo Women’ s Medical University originated from Tokyo Women’ s Medical School, which was commenced in 1900. YOSHIOKA Yayoi, the founder of Tokyo Women’ s Medical University, adopted the concept of the primary mission of Tokyo Women’ s Medical School as the founding spirit when she newly established Tokyo Women’ s Medical College ...

  3. index_english. TWMU is a medical university with over one hundred years of history which now has a modern and sophisticated educational, clinical and research environments. Traditionally all of our undergraduate schools are devoted to develop women’s professionalism.

  4. フリガナシミズ タツヤ氏名清水 達也所属先端生命医科学研究(東京女子医科大学)東京女子医科大学大学院 医学研究科 先端生命医科学系専攻 代用臓器学分野職名長・教授所属職名専門分野再生医療、組織工学、心筋再生、循環器内科学位博士(医学)...

  5. Graduate School of Medical Science. In order to nurture medical professionals who can promote research in medical sciences and make further benecial contributions to medical sciences and society, we have established the Graduate School of Medical Science (usually a 4-year doctoral course and a 3-year course for exceptional cases).The Ph.D.

  6. 先端生命医科学研究所は、本学大学院の臨床・基礎医学系各専攻や、TWInsの早稲田大学をはじめとする他大学の研究室、さらには国内外の大学、研究所を含め様々な機関と積極的に連携し、バイオマテリアル、細胞シート再生治療、インテリジェント手術室 ...

  7. Overview. The Department of Cardiology was established in 1955 as the internal medicine division of the “Heart Institute Japan affiliated with Tokyo Women's Medical University”, and has been playing a leading role as a pioneer of cardiovascular clinical care in Japan. We have about 76,000 patients in outpatients division and 29,000 ...

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