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  1. WebMD is a trusted source of health and medical information, with expert reviews, community support, and educational services. Find a doctor near you or browse health news.

  2. 2022年11月15日 · Magnesium Risks. Side effects. Magnesium supplements can cause nausea, cramps, and diarrhea. Magnesium supplements often cause softening of stool. Interactions. Magnesium supplements may interact ...

  3. 2022年12月8日 · Pulled to one direction. Other symptoms that may accompany vertigo include: Feeling nauseated. Vomiting. Abnormal or jerking eye movements (nystagmus) Headache. Sweating. Ringing in the ears or ...

  4. 2023年9月27日 · Cinnamon could lower your triglycerides and your total cholesterol levels, which could help prevent heart disease. If you take supplements with at least 1.5 grams of cinnamon a day, it may lower ...

  5. 2023年10月10日 · 7 Stages of Alzheimer's Disease. Medically Reviewed by Christopher Melinosky, MD on October 10, 2023. Written by Amanda Gardner. Stage 1: Normal Outward Behavior. Stage 2: Very Mild Changes. Stage ...

  6. 2024年2月22日 · Instead, it goes on to the colon, where it mixes with normal bacteria and ferments. It can cause things like gas, bloating , and diarrhea. The symptoms are no fun, but they’re not dangerous ...

  7. 2024年1月9日 · Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues. It's involved in many body functions, including formation of collagen, absorption ...