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  1. Awards 1996 Vuoden Lastenpeli (Finland), Children's Game of the Year 1996 Årets Børnespil (Denmark), Children's Game of the Year COMPONENTS (Happy Feet Mumble’s Tumble edition, 2006): Plastic: 1 Iceberg (translucent light aqua blue; 23x23x7cm) 1

    • (591)
  2. 1 character card and 4 prediction tokens per player 16 blue score tokens (3 points) 44 yellow score tokens (1 point) 20 red score tokens (–1 point) 3 action cards Awards: Winner of the 2011 Granollers game design contest, under the name Oracle Pathway. : fan. ...

    • (1.6K)
  3. 4 Player Reference tokens (in player colors) 36 Cards (62x87mm; numbered 1-9 in 4 suits - magenta Mouse, light blue Fish, light lime green Bird, dark purple Paw; black 1 Bengal, 2 Siamese, 3 Burmese, 4 American Shorthair, 5 Sphinx, 6 Scottish Fold, 7 Persian, 8 Himalayan, 9 Maine Coon)

    • (593)
  4. At the roll of a 1,2,3,4 or 5, if a token lands on a free space, it is turned over to it's other color and belongs to the opposite player. If a token lands on an occupied space, it is put onto the first token without being flipped over. Only the upper token in a stack may If ...

  5. Play smartly your Emissaries and get Followers from the Conclave to control Magics.

    • (72)
  6. The playing surface consists of 36 tiles laid out numerically to form a square. Each tile contains spots which form a pathway; some form straight paths, some are angled paths and some form crossroads. As players advance their tokens along the paths, they also move the tiles in an attempt to bottle up opponents while building the shortest possible path to the Finish for themselves. Thus, the ...

  7. Use the Winds, Dragons and suit tiles you draw to finish with the best hand! Mah-Jongg (Chinese 麻將/麻将 Májiàng [game of the] sparrow) is a traditional Chinese game using illustrated tiles, with game play similarities to rummy. It is a popular gambling game, but

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