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  1. 二手筆電回收 相關

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  1. 小心!. 對手好像快破解妳的密碼了!. 第二次世界大戰,同盟國破解了納粹的密碼,大幅縮短了戰爭。. 現在,你和你的解碼小組要想辦法破解對手的加密訊息,同時傳遞加密訊息給其他隊友!. 截碼戰考驗語言表達能力、聯想能力以及邏輯思考,簡單好學又 ...

    • 9.06 x 6.30 x 1.97 inches
    • GoKids 玩樂小子
    • Fabien FulchironNILSManuel Sanchez
    • 2018
  2. Agricola is a turn-based game. There are 14 game rounds occurring in 6 stages, with a Harvest at the end of each stage (after Rounds 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 14). Each player starts with two playing tokens (farmer and spouse) and thus can take two turns, or actions, per round.

    • (73.2K)
  1. 二手筆電回收 相關

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