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  1. 是要趁此長假,把平常沒有機會玩的大型桌遊玩個痛快,. 還是要以推坑親人為主,準備一下小遊戲來玩一下呢?. 如果你的預定計畫是後者的話,. 今天要介紹的舞星,可能足以滿足你的需求喔!. 圖文介紹:. ...

  2. The top 50 trending games today. Crowdfunding Countdown See All. Projects ending soon. The definitive source for tabletop games. Find millions of ratings, reviews, videos, photos, and more from our community.

  3. With a group of pioneers, you have left civilization behind to settle along the shores of Boonlake, a long-forgotten region inhabited by humans long ago. This unexplored area beckons you! Become part of a new community and commit yourself to the common good.

  4. The deck is seeded with 54 festival cards, and when one is drawn, you place it next to the city on the game board. If you build a route that connects to one or two cities with festival cards, you choose one of those cities and collect all of the festival cards near it.

    • (13)
  5. In each of the 20+ Scenarios in Vagrantsong’s campaign, players will take turns spending their 3 Coins to take actions, such as: moving around the train board, investigating the unknown, and rummaging for items that might help them get out of a tight spot.

  6. The year is 1913. The steamship SS Atlantica is two days out from port on its voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. Its unsuspecting passengers fully anticipated a calm journey to Boston, Massachusetts, with nothing out of the ordinary to look forward to.

  7. With a setup time of less than 15 minutes, low counter density, endless variability, and quick playing time, Manila: The Savage Streets, 1945 will appeal to every level of player, from the novice to the grognard.

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