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  1. Arm fatigue with activity. A weakening grip. Symptoms of venous thoracic outlet syndrome can include: A change in the color of the hand or one or more fingers. Hand or arm pain and swelling. Symptoms of arterial thoracic outlet syndrome can include: A pulsating lump near the collarbone. Cold fingers, hands or arms.

  2. 2022年5月14日 · This can cause blood pressure to drop. Fever, vomiting, severe diarrhea, overuse of diuretics and strenuous exercise can lead to dehydration. Blood loss. Losing a lot of blood, such as from an injury or internal bleeding, also reduces blood volume, leading to a severe drop in blood pressure.

  3. 2024年2月28日 · This blood pressure chart can help you figure out if your blood pressure is at a healthy level. It also can help you understand if you need to take some steps to improve your numbers. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). A blood pressure reading has two numbers. Top number, called systolic pressure.

  4. 2023年3月2日 · Overview. Vasovagal syncope (vay-zoh-VAY-gul SING-kuh-pee) occurs when you faint because your body overreacts to certain triggers, such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress. It may also be called neurocardiogenic syncope. The vasovagal syncope trigger causes your heart rate and blood pressure to drop suddenly.

  5. 2023年3月2日 · 医生与科室. 概述. 发生血管迷走性晕厥是因为身体对特定诱因(如看到血或处于极度情绪困扰下)做出过度反应而昏厥。 又名神经心源性晕厥。 血管迷走性晕厥的诱因使您的心率和血压骤降。 这令流向您大脑的血液减少,从而导致您短暂失去意识。 血管迷走性晕厥通常无害也无需治疗。 但您可能在发生血管迷走性晕厥时受伤。 医生可能会建议您接受检查以排除其他会造成昏厥的更严重原因,如心脏疾病。 产品与服务. 书籍:《妙佑医疗国际家庭健康手册》第 5 版. 显示妙佑医疗国际的更多产品. 症状. 在因血管迷走性晕厥而昏倒之前,您可能会发生以下情况: 皮肤苍白. 头重脚轻. 管状视野,即视野变窄,因此只能看到眼前的东西. 恶心. 感觉发热. 出冷汗. 视力模糊. 血管迷走性晕厥发作期间,旁观者可能注意到:

  6. › tests-procedures › diskectomyDiskectomy - Mayo Clinic

    2022年7月1日 · Diskectomy is surgery to remove the damaged part of a disk in the spine that has its soft center pushing out through the tough outer lining. A herniated disk can irritate or press on nearby nerves. Diskectomy works best for treating pain that travels down the arms or legs from a compressed nerve. The procedure is less helpful for treating pain ...

  7. 2023年5月11日 · Anemia is a problem of not having enough healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the body's tissues. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to all other organs in the body. Having anemia can cause tiredness, weakness and shortness of breath. There are many forms of anemia.