Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. reserve list中文意思:n. 預備名冊 …,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋reserve list的中文翻譯,reserve list的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。"reserve waiting list" 中文翻譯: 候補輪候冊 "in reserve" 中文翻譯: 備用, 預備 "no reserve" 中文翻譯: 蘭蔻水晶亮澤炫魅唇彩 ...

  2. 若申請價低于配售價,投資者須向其銀行支付差額。 If the application price falls short of this , the investor has to pay the difference to his bank 若申請價低于配售價,投資者須向其銀行支付差額。 If the total amount spent exceeds the value of the voucher , the

  3. 1. (人為的) artificial. 2. (人力) manual work; work done by hand. 短語和例子. 用機器代替人工 install machines to replace manual labor; 抽水機壞了, 只好用人工車水。. we had to move water by a chain pump because the electric pump had broken down. 3. (工作量計算單位, 指一個人做工一天) a calculating unit ...

  4. 負責酒店內部人力資源 規劃,包括:人員編制計劃、人員調配、后備人才培養等。 Control all activities and people required to schedule shipment , insure loading is performed correctly , and that all shipping documents are prepared 100 % correct ...

  5. 英文翻譯 手機版. chairman of the board (of directors) "理事長;董事長" 英文翻譯 : chief director. "董事主席(董事長)" 英文翻譯 : chairman of the board of directors (general director) "赤足董事長" 英文翻譯 : the barefoot executive. "董事長(副)" 英文翻譯 : chairman/chairperson of the board ...

  6. merchant中文意思::商業的…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋merchant的中文翻譯,merchant的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。merchant in Hindi merchant 意味 merchant meaning merchant en francais merchant artinya merchantmerchant перевод merchant แปล

  7. administrative fee中文意思:管理費…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋administrative fee的中文翻譯,administrative fee的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。"administrative" 中文翻譯: adj. 1.管理的;行政的。2.非戰斗性行政勤務的。 ... "fee" 中文翻譯: n. 1.報酬;薪水;公費;手續費;稅;會費,學費,報名 ...

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