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  1. 碳水化合物就是糖類,分開列到底甚麼意思? 糖是碳水化合物的子項目。子項目71.2公克,加上其他種碳水化合物剩不到10公克? 裝到暗物質? 糖,蛋白質的熱量一公克4大卡;脂肪的熱量一公克9大卡。就算沙拉油,100公克的熱量最多就是900大卡。

  2. 秘魯死藤水心得. 這次retreat為期六天,共三場死藤水儀式。. 第一天,我搭船從Iquitos沿著亞馬遜河逆流而上,約一小時後抵達retreat所座落的小島,周遭環境與世隔絕,被樹林包圍,客房、餐廳、祭壇都木造建築。. retreat負責人一位美國人,與一戶秘 ...

  3. Sinsyxx. •. Elimination diets don't generally work for people in the long run, outside of food allergies. Reducing carbs does seem to be the most effective way to lower calorie intake, since for most people the excesses in their diet are related to sugar and other low nutrient simple carbs.

  4. Looking for a community that's passionate about low-carb living? Look no further than r/lowcarb! Our members are dedicated to supporting each other on their journeys to better health and wellness through the power of a low carbohydrate diet. Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned pro, you'll find a warm and welcoming community here. So why wait? Join us today and discover the ...

  5. There is no difference between 什麼 & 甚麼. 什 and 甚 are both distinct Characters. "shén" is an added pronunciation for both 什 and 甚 that is only used in 什麼/甚麼. 什 is probably more common, but 甚 at least is already pronounced as shèn.

  6. Thc-h. 過年要去日本玩,最近看到這個好像在日本合法,想問一下有沒有飛友試過,看一些網站說比平常的thc效力更強. 這好像新東西 不知道台灣合不合法?. 只看到thc不合法 沒看到thc-h相關的法條. 最近也要去日本,你有嘗試了嗎?. 過年要去日本玩,最近看到 ...

  7. All good things must come to an end. For the time being, r/everyoneknowsthat will remain active so you're free to still post here. However, since the search is practically over, we aim to one day archive this subreddit when we feel it has lost its purpose. We have now opened the doors to r/christophersaintbooth and would like to welcome you all ...

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