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    • [名] (sodium,Na)化學元素。原子序11。鹼金屬元素之一。銀白色,質軟具延展性。在空氣中極易氧化,遇水則劇烈反應產生氫氣,需貯存於石油中。主要以化合物型態存在,如食鹽。亦可做還原劑及熱交換劑,用途甚廣。
  1. The philosophy of the School of Medicine is that “we would nurture female physicians who can be independent through the development of their abilities and achieving medical knowledge/skills and can implement “Sincerity and Compassion”. For this purpose, we have always implemented educational reforms to meet the needs of the times and ...

  2. 東京女子医科大学病院 腎臓内科では「患者さんを中心に考える」を診療のポリシーとしています。腎臓病は短期決戦ではなく、長期に病気と戦う患者さんと寄り添っていくことになります。病気だけをみて診療することなく、患者さんの気持ちや社会生活などを尊重して治療することを ...

  3. 本学部は「女性の社会的地位の向上と経済的自立を目指すと共に、至誠と愛の精神に基づき医療を行う人材を育成する」という創立者吉岡彌生の趣旨を受けつぎ、これを教育の基本理念とする。. 本学部における教育は学生が自ら学び成長しようとする向上 ...

  4. そのような理論的背景のもと、近年開発・臨床応用され注目されているのが カテーテルを用いて遠心性腎交感神経・求心性腎神経を同時に焼灼して除神経するCatheter-based RDN(以下RDN) です。. 以下に現在行われているRDNについて解説します。. a. RDNの効果に ...

  5. Tokyo Women's Medical University Medical Center East. Tokyo Women's Medical University opened a free clinic in "Ogu Community Center" in July 1930. This clinic eventually became a branch of the University Hospital, named Daini Hospital in 1934,. Since then, the hospital has been functioning as a major community hospital in northeastern Tokyo.

  6. index_english. TWMU is a medical university with over one hundred years of history which now has a modern and sophisticated educational, clinical and research environments. Traditionally all of our undergraduate schools are devoted to develop women’s professionalism.

  7. Tokyo Women’s Medical University has developed from Tokyo Women’s Medical School and has produced many female physicians who have contributed to our society. Tokyo Women’s Medical University School of Medicine was established in 1950. Tokyo Women’s Medical College was established in 1952.Then, in 1998, the School of Nursing was added.