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  1. 低頻噪音計 相關

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    安邦儀器,官方Line ID:@one1818y. 安邦儀器:大型溫濕度計、桌上型溫溼度計、噪音計、照度計、風速計。

  3. 品管嚴格把關!專營震動計等設備,完善諮詢、校正服務,滿足各式需求,馬上洽詢細節! 品管嚴格把關!專營水質過濾器、影像測量等儀器,搭配完善諮詢、校正服務,立即洽詢!

  4. 代理歐美各大廠牌量計儀器、系統,涵蓋物流、醫藥等多產業!40年業界口碑,專業諮詢完善售服! 溫度、氣體、照度、噪音、振動、轉速、醫療用GPT等檢測儀器,國際規格精確可靠,立即洽詢!


  1. 2022年7月12日 · Brown noise, also called red noise, produces a rumbling sound that’s deeper with a bass-like tone than pink or white noise. The sound level (decibels) decreases as the frequency goes up more ...

  2. When you hear noises in your stomach after you’ve eaten, it’s the sound of peristalsis, or smooth muscles contracting and pushing your food down your small bowel and into your colon. There’s ...

  3. 2022年10月3日 · High fevers and infections. Some infections, like encephalitis and meningitis, can make you hear things, along with the other symptoms. The same is true for high fevers. Intense stress. Serious ...

  4. 2023年4月28日 · Somewhere between the ages of 9 and 15, your pituitary gland releases hormones that tell your body to start making testosterone. Puberty begins and brings changes. Your testes (testicles), scrotum ...

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